加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息50小时攻克IELTS写作


1.深入浅出  不是庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中!  A。很多学生不知道什么是Essay, 以为就是叫议论文。  其实不是我们中文中的议论文, Essay 是‘固定结构式文章’的总称,基本包括三种  一般疑问=一边倒(agree or disagree? Positive or negative?)  例子:  I agree that library is to be replaced by the Internet。  1. The internet provides the fastest worldwide access to the widest range of information, and average people tend to read online rather than on books in a library。  2. Maintaining libraries takes a great deal, which are money from government revenue, paper from trees, and land from living。  3. People nowadays visit libraries for other purposes instead of reading, such as, dating or free air-conditioning, ironically。  Conclusion: libraries are out of date。  特殊疑问=并列结构(what are the effects? What are the reasons? Why?)  People work and study at home with the Internet, the effects are as follows。  1.Face to face communication is reduced。  2.There is less demand for land, and housing prices will be decreasing。  3.The less people go out, the less the traffic is, the less the air pollution is caused。  Conclusion: the trend is irreversible。

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 50小时攻克IELTS写作两边观点式=4段式(常识题some say…. While others say…。)  例  Some people say environmental issues can be only solved by governments, while others believe that average citizen can solve the problems as long as they take actions. I will discuss both views and give my opinion。  1.The former view is definitely wrong。  2.The second view is only partly true。  Conclusion: environmental issues can be solved only by common efforts of individuals and organizations。  B。另外,从英式议论文,也叫traditional essay来看,雅思议论文在语言要求上要简单的多。  1.可以用主观代词‘I’  2.不要求非常精确,剑桥6的小作文‘silkworm life cycle’中,考官范文用了3次’produce’, 1次是‘下蛋=produce eggs(准确为lay)’, 2次‘吐丝=produce silk threads’(准确spit), 3次是‘制造丝布=produce silk cloth’(可以不重复用make)_______词汇在写作中是‘细枝末节’占比分不高  3.考官使用‘有助于’不是‘is good for, is beneficial for’,而是helps  C。什么是最好的议论文结构  在traditional essay中,有一种叫5-paragraph essay, 其基本结构为:  首段:Grabber引入+thesis主题+Main Ideas段落大意  中间段1:分论点argument1+evidence论证  中间段2:bridge段间过渡1+分论点argument2+evidence论证+ bridge段间过渡2  中间段1:分论点argument1+evidence论证  结论:conclusion= a restatement of thesis重申总论点  CONCLUSION: 学会写TRADITIONAL ESSAY就不怕IELTS  逻辑  作文所有的评分标准都是逻辑  TR-task response  是总论点+分论点+论证=思维逻辑  CC=coherence and cohesion  是段落过度+句子逻辑关系(递进、转折、因果)+从句=思维逻辑+语言逻辑

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 50小时攻克IELTS写作Grammar + Lexical Resource=Academic  学术性=语言逻辑严谨性  所以:有好的逻辑永远比长句更能的高分  How to write like a native speaker?  1.不是句子越长越好  The point that the greatest significance should be attached to is not which word looks most spectacular at a specific place, but in what way you can express yourself accurately in a rather short period of time, as most students are not aware of, and as is what most writing teachers are having headache about, especially in countries of test-oriented education system, namely, China。  这句话不太好懂呢,老外看也不见得,搞不好还以为是错句。其实语法角度来说,是不错的。  句子意思:应该被给予最多重视的一点,不是在某个特定位置哪个词更有‘看头’,而是以什么样的办法可以在短时间内精准的表达自己,这一点大部分学生都没意识到,而且这也是大多数写作老师头疼的事情,尤其是在应试教育体系的国家,比如说,中国。  呵呵,很牛的语法哦!:主语从句+3表语从句+2定语从句+插入语  2.不会用,就搞通用词,  所有不会的褒义形容词=good  所有不会用的动词=do搞个么事  3.经典短句  这是浪费钱。It takes money。  A 有助于B。A helps B。  小作文‘循环图’结尾:A new cycle of ___ starts again。  这个观点是正确的。This view is right。  2.Figure Writing 的规律(4小时课程)

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 50小时攻克IELTS写作3个模板  1.数据图 (包含所有可能的情况:时间差异、空间差异)Companies A B C D E F China’s cell market 1980 5% 8% 10% 20% 25% 32% 1995 10% 15% 20% 20% 20% 15% 2008 15% 20% 25% 20% 15% 5% US’s cell market 1980 18% 20% 35% 5% 8% 14% 1995 10% 15% 34% 13% 10% 18% 2008 8% 14% 36% 14% 11% 19%   2.流程图  剑桥ielts6, the Cycle of Silkworm Life  3.地图  参见我的双地图模板the Layout of My Neighborhood  3.速成练习法(30小时)  时间3小时/天*10天=30小时  每天安排  教材剑桥5.6.7  第一步。将考官的范文,小作文大作文both翻译成中文(40分钟)  第二步。在不看范文的情况下,将自己的中文翻译,翻回English (1小时)  第三步。对照范文和自己的English, 找出差异,写下来 (40分钟)  第四步。不看范文的情况下,重写一次(40分钟)  最后,将所有的内容:中文翻译,自己的英文翻译,对照的差异。

FN: 2007年10月31日There are things you wish for and accomplishments you work for.Nothing expresses your pure joy like a Canada Permanent Residence visa...回复: 50小时攻克IELTS写作好文 谢谢分享 言简意赅 很有用

2016年2月长登蒙特利尔回复: 50小时攻克IELTS写作学习了

  ·生活百科 Fronius Primo gen24 8.0随机掉落功率gen
·生活百科 RCA的适配器到闪电?



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