加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息选择题 年薪85K full time 和 65/小时 12+6 months contr



http://www.xsage.com回复: 选择题 年薪85K full time 和 65/小时 12+6 months contract 选择哪个如果你以后经常能找到65/H的contract的话,就选contract,否则要是我,就选85K。

回复: 选择题 年薪85K full time 和 65/小时 12+6 months contract 选择哪个我一直都是full time,contract一般很难说

http://www.xsage.com回复: 选择题 年薪85K full time 和 65/小时 12+6 months contract 选择哪个Federal tax rates for 2010 are:15% on the first $40,970 of taxable income, +22% on the next $40,971 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income between $40,970 and $81,941), +26% on the next $45,080 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income between $81,941 and $127,021), +29% of taxable income over $127,021.Provincial / Territorial tax rates (combined chart)Provinces / TerritoriesRate(s)Newfoundland and Labrador7.7% on the first $31,278 of taxable income, +12.8% on the next $31,278, +15.5% on the amount over $62,556Prince Edward Island9.8% on the first $31,984 of taxable income, +13.8% on the next $31,985, +16.7% on the amount over $63,969Nova Scotia8.79% on the first $29,590 of taxable income, +14.95% on the next $29,590, +16.67% on the next $33,820 +17.5% on the amount over $93,000New Brunswick9.3% on the first $36,421 of taxable income, +12.5% on the next $36,422, +13.3% on the next $45,584, +14.3% on the amount over $118,427QuebecContact Revenu Québec Ontario5.05% on the first $37,106 of taxable income, +9.15% on the next $37,108, +11.16% on the amount over $74,214Manitoba10.8% on the first $31,000 of taxable income, +12.75% on the next $36,000, +17.4% on the amount over $67,000Saskatchewan11% on the first $40,354 of taxable income, +13% on the next $74,943, +15% on the amount over $115,297Alberta10% of taxable incomeBritish Columbia5.06% on the first $35,859 of taxable income, +7.7% on the next $35,860, +10.5% on the next $10,623, +12.29% on the next $17,645, +14.7% on the amount over $99,987Yukon7.04% on the first $40,970 of taxable income, +9.68% on the next $40,971, +11.44% on the next $45,080, +12.76% on the amount over $127,021Northwest Territories5.9% on the first $37,106 of taxable income, +8.6% on the next $37,108, +12.2% on the next $46,442, +14.05% on the amount over $120,656Nunavut4% on the first $39,065 of taxable income, +7% on the next $39,065, +9% on the next $48,891, +11.5% on the amount over $127,021

回复: 选择题 年薪85K full time 和 65/小时 12+6 months contract 选择哪个full time还有很多福利,而且稳定。除非你不打算在此长留,否则还是full time的划算。

回复: 选择题 年薪85K full time 和 65/小时 12+6 months contract 选择哪个Brother,what job is that? could you introduce me to get the other one? haha...If you have some strong skill of job or your wife have a benifit job, contract is better. you can drive BENZ car and dinner or lunch on the outside. it will be covered by tax. you know, money is not important,only little diffrence between 80000 or 100000. So, good work's envirement and relax life is more important. ok? brother.

回复: 选择题 年薪85K full time 和 65/小时 12+6 months contract 选择哪个如果你技术够牛, network够好就干contract吧. 我和contractor做一样的活, 他们每小时75刀啊, 羡慕的我都嫉妒的. 不过他们关系网铺的开, 不怕没活做, 我就不敢去做contractor.

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