加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息关于应聘
想了解下一般公司的面试的情况,比如几轮面试,注意事项等等。。。请前辈前辈指点 读大学,想多多了解职场。。。。 还有,工作年限,他们一般是怎么签的呢?
回复: 关于应聘一般三轮面试:电话面试-HR面试-专业面试 注意事项:准备充分,沉着自信,注意着装礼仪,事先对所面试的公司和岗位有充分了解。 如果没有特别说明,拿到的是全职永久职位(full-time permanent job),虽然名字是永久,但一样有可能被laid off或者fire掉。除此之外就是contract职位,合同一般是6个月到半年不等。
回复: 关于应聘There are 3 times interview in the big company. i think, over 70% company just communicate with you by phone, if they think you are ok, they will arrange a interview. during interview, don't worry english, you should show your skill APAS, remember,you should be very confident during interview. it is that they need you. not you beg them. ok? boy.
回复: 关于应聘哦,谢谢楼上两位了,那个full-time permanent job ,是一般的公司都会给这样的吗?公司里面氛围一般怎么样啊?谢谢咯~
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