加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问国内高校教师资格证可以经过加拿大认证吗
回复: 请问国内高校教师资格证可以经过加拿大认证吗?这个证件在加拿大有用吗?如果要在加拿大教小学需要读什么学校?点击展开...国内高校教师资格证=废纸 很多有本地文凭,本地教师资格正书的,也不好找到中小学教师工作。都在等机会,僧多粥少。
回复: 请问国内高校教师资格证可以经过加拿大认证吗?如果有用,也不用等了这么多年大家都没注意到最后由楼主在这里发问了。
其实我是懒羊羊...回复: 请问国内高校教师资格证可以经过加拿大认证吗?Are you intending to go back to teaching field? If yes, I have some suggestions. For Shcool Board part, for instance, elementry school or high school, you have to go to the local Teaching College and have your credentials recoganized. Normally the process takes three months. Then based on your English level, a counsellor will direct you to certain university to take a one-year program(like transitions) to get the teaching certificate. After 200 hours volunteer you're qualified to search for jobs.For the adult education part, there is a diploma program called Provincial Instructor Diploma including six coursed and a practicum, which you can complete in the duration of five years. If lucky enough, you can find a job in colleges but probably in private sector. In BC the other diploma program also is well recoganized--Adult Education. However, it's based on the former. For universities part, it's almost a dream because you have to earn a PHD in some particular fields.Am I clear?
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