加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息美国人的日常生活对话


表达你作饭很难吃 SUSAN很不会作饭,做了一个半生不熟的通心粉,正好MIKE要吃。..Later, at the buffet, Susan comes up to a man putting some macaroni and cheese on his plate. She tells him not to eat it. He asks her why. She replies with "I made it, trust me." (我做的饭)He starts to take a bite and she stops him. "Hey, hey, do you have a death wish?(你想死吗?)" He answers with "No, I just refuse to believe that anybody can screw up macaroni and cheese." 蓝色是对话...很不错的美国人的幽默..要会!

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话老婆报复老公要出去约会 Bree知道Rex在外面和别人OX后,要报复他,所以找了一个男的出去约会。以下是约会前的对话Rex: "Wow. Look at you(这句在美剧里超常见)! You going out?(要出去吗?)" Bree: "Not that it's any of your business(不关你的事。), but, I have a date(我有个约会)." Rex: "A date. What kind of date?" Bree: "Rex, I don't want to say anything that might upset you. The doctor says any undue stress could cause another heart attack”

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话Gabrielle拒绝John:,是为了让他去上大学。。。有中文字幕,好理解,兰色的句子都不错,要会。Gabrielle: "Please, calm down(冷静点)!" John: "It just doesn’t make any sense. Okay, you love me, I know you love me!" Gabrielle: "Love is not enough. Where would we live, here with your roommates? The only decoration in the bathroom is a bong!" John: "We could get our own place!" Gabrielle: "How? You’re barely making minimum wage!" John: "Okay, sure. We’d be poor at first, but we’d be happy." Gabrielle: "I’ve tried poor but happy. Guess what. It wasn’t that happy." John: "Mr. Solis is going to jail. You want to stick around for that?" Gabrielle: "I don’t know. You know, every once in a while, even I want to do the right thing." John: "Mrs. Solis, I love you so much! Doesn’t that mean anything to you?" Gabrielle: "Honestly, no. John, you’re a toy. A sweet, dumb toy, so you might as well go to college, because you and me, no future!"John, with reddened eyes, storms past Gabrielle and slams the door. Gabrielle begins crying.

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话Lynette总是不放心Tom和Annabel,所以在Tom上班的时候,他去探班Lynette: "Hey." Tom: "Hey Lynette what are you doing here? What's this?" Lynette: "You told me Duggan coming back to work today, I thought I'd do something special for him." Tom: "Uh huh, and this wouldn have anything to do with you checking up on me and Annabel?" Lynette: "What?" Tom: "Yesterday you brought my pictures of the kids. The day before that you brought me soup. Lynette, honey, it's gotta stop." Lynette: "Tom, I don't care about you working with Annabel. I told you that. This is for Duggan. He had a heart attack. I don't care about Annabel."Annabel walks past them to leave the room.Annabel: "Hey, Lynette." Lynette: "Huh. Speak of the devil. And I mean that."

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话家庭主妇去面试 Advertising AgencyA young man carries a plate of food into the office where Lynette is sitting with an interviewer, Nina Fletcher. Phones ring in the background. Nina: "It appears there's a seven-year gap since your last position. What, did you take some time off?" Lynette: "I was a stay-at-home mom. I wish it had taken time off." Nina: "Boy or girl?" Lynette: "A girl. And three boys." Nina: "Four kids?" Lynette: "Yeah, of course, they won't get in the way of the job because my husband's staying home with them from now on." Nina: "I knew I could never do both jobs justice. That's why I chose not to have a family. I didn't want to be one of those kind of women. You know, sloughing things off onto coworkers because of a pediatrician appointment or a dance recital. I get really neurotic about putting people out." Lynette: "With all due respect, Nina, won't be an issue. I can leave home at home." Nina: "And it's not gonna break your heart to leave those sad little faces behind?" Lynette: "Are you kidding? This office is paradise. Grown-ups talking about grown-up things. No screaming, no vomiting, no boogers under the table. You're gonna have to drag me outta here kicking and screaming - weekends, holidays, whenever." Nina: "All right, Ed wants to make the final decision. So I will bring you back tomorrow at three for a follow-up." Lynette: "Well, that, that sounds great. Thank you." Nina: "Lynette, be early. Show me something." Lynette: "Okay."

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话 TOM觉得Lynette买的衣服太贵了..两人在争论...........有中文字幕....兰色的句子都不错~~要会.能学到很多美国人日常的对话~~~Lynette: "You see? You see how it, how it moves with me? That's where the magic is." Tom: "Nine hundred dollars?" Lynette: "Yeah, well, this one was the most expensive. The other ones aren't as nice. But look. Look, look, look, look at me, look at me. Watch. I don't walk in it. I glide." Tom: "Um, honey, you know what? There's gotta be like three thousand dollars worth of clothes here." Lynette: "Yeah, well, I haven't bought a new suit in six years." Tom: "So? When I was working, you don't think I would have loved to have a designer suit? I wore wash-and-wear so that we could live in a nice neighborhood, so we could take the kids on vacation every summer. I mean, I made sacrifices." Lynette: "I'm willing to make sacrifices." Tom: "Great, well, let's start here, because" (holds up a suit) "this should cover a math tutor for Parker." Lynette: "Whoa, hold on a sec."Tom holds up another suit. Tom: "Six months of pre-school for Penny." Lynette: "All right, now you're being ridiculous." Tom: "You know what? And the twins, they're gonna need braces. That oughta make a dent."He points to the white suit Lynette is wearing. Lynette: "Oh, no. Come on, Tom. Not this one." Tom: "Strip." Lynette: "You saw the walk, right? You wanna see the walk again? I'll tutor Parker myself." Tom: "Honey, that'd be great. You also gonna take up home dentistry?"

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话Gabrielle发现Carlos和她家的女佣Xiao-Mei OX后的一段对话。兰色的句子很好,可以看中文字幕理解一下Gabrielle: "Are you done with my husband?"Xiao-Mei nods. Gabrielle bolts the front door. Gabrielle: "Good. I have a little project for you."Carlos is standing on the front yard. Gabrielle and Xiao-Mei throwall of Carlos?clothes from the deck upstairs. Carlos: "Okay, Gaby, can we please talk about this? You're the one that gave me permission, remember? You said, go have sex with somebody!" Gabrielle: "To have meaningless sex, Carlos. Not to sleep with the woman who's carrying our child!" Carlos: "What is the matter? Look, we're even! You had an affair, and I had an affair!" Gabrielle: "I had a reason to.You were never here! I've been here, Carlos. I have tried so hard to not be selfish and to put your needs above mine. I mean, for god sakes, look at me! I have agreed to be a mother for you!" Carlos: "Look, Gaby, you have every right to be mad at me. So, I'm gonna go and check into a hotel room and let you cool down, but we are going to work this out." Gabrielle: "Forget the hotel, Carlos. Get a lease."

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话Mike知道Susan把自己的儿子送走后,心碎了,要和Susan分手。。。。厄。。。老美真是豪迈,什么都在大街上。。。。Susan: "I, I should have told you right away. I, I know that. But you know now, so can we please talk about it?"Mike: "No."He walks to his truck. Susan: "Mike, stop." Mike: "Susan, you said you wanted to help me, and I believed you. That's it. We're done."Susan: "No, no, no, no, no!"Susan: "I screwed up, okay? I want to fix it! Please let me fix it! Tell me how to fix it! Mike, I love you!"Susan: "Please, no, please, please. No, Mike! Mike!"Susan: "No, Mike, Mike! Come back! Come back!"Susan: "No, no, no."

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话Gabrielle跟老公Carlos说,你去外遇吧,呵呵,因为Gabrielle以前外过一次,她总觉得他老公内心在蠢蠢欲动Gabrielle: "I'm gonna let you even the score. Carlos, go have an affair(去外遇吧)." Carlos: "What?" Gabrielle: "I had my little indiscretion. So you go have yours. Get it out of your system. I know you want to." Carlos: "I do not." Gabrielle: "Sure you do. Knock yourself out. Call up an old college flame. Rent a call girl. Fly to Africa and nail that little nun you've been drooling over. I don't care!" Carlos: "You're crazy." Gabrielle: "No, I'm pragmatic. Because once you finish your fling, we'll be equals again. And then you won't be able to judge me. And we can go back to being a boring, average married couple. Oh, just do me a favor. Don't bring back any diseases."

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话我发现这个剧里对中国人很不尊重,前几天那个被捉到的女佣,和今天被监禁的女奴,都是中国人.......蓝色句子都是很好的句子~~ Bree: "Maxine, once again this entire lunch is just out of this world. I just have to get the number of your caterer." Maxine: "What a nice compliment. No, I'm afraid this is all my doing." Lady #1: "It was a triumph, an absolute triumph." Bree: "Oh come on, do you honestly expect us to believe that you had the time to prepare a six-course meal for ten women? Even I couldn't make this and have time to get ready for a party." Maxine: "Well, perhaps you're just not as organized as I am. If you'll excuse me." Lady #1: "Bree, what's gotten into you?" Bree: "I have the same recipe for English Plum Pudding. It takes six hours to prepare. How could she have time to make all of this and everything else that we ate today? This is not the pudding of an honest woman."There's banging on the front door. Man: "FBI, open up!" Bree: "What on earth?"Agent #1: "We're looking for a Maxine Bennett." Maxine: "I'm Maxine." Agent #1: "We have a warrant to search the premises, ma'm." Maxine: "A warrant? I'm in the middle of a luncheon."Agent #2: "Over here."Agent #3 (into a walkie-talkie): "Found her."Agent #1: "Maxine Bennett, you're under arrest for involuntary servitude."Agent #4 (to the Asian girl): "Is this the woman that locked you up?"Lady #1: "Bree, what's going on?" Bree: "Well, I' not sure, but I think Maxine had a slave." Lady #1: "I can't believe it. I just can't believe it!"

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话SUSAN家的房子被烧了。要求保险理赔.以下是对话~~兰色的句子都很不错。很有用。值得一学.Bud: "Mrs. Mayer! Bud Penrod, Town and Country Insurance. The Can Do?people." Susan: "Oh, it's nice to meet you." Bud: "Yeah. Look at that. Well, that's no fun at all, is it?" Susan: "No, no, it isn't. So, when am I gonna get the check 'cause I have a lot of rebuilding to do. I need to get started." Bud: "Yeah, well I'm afraid that'sgoing to be a while. You see, the fire department has ruled that this was arson." Susan: "Arson?" Bud: "Yeah, so we can't give you any money until we finish our investigation." Susan: "Who would wanna burn down my house?" Bud: "I don't know. Do you have any enemies?" Susan: "No! No look, the whole neighborhood turned out to help. I'mvery popular." Bud: "And there's no one among them that wishes you ill?" Susan: "Oh no! No, everybody' been very helpful. Everybody likes me. Absolutely...."

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话家里的保姆要被遣返了。......还是这个中国保姆....外老美眼力,我们中国人就是被家人卖来卖去的。.........Gabrielle: "I don't understand. It't from the government."Lynette: "Gaby, she's being deported. Xiao-Mei, is this the first letter like this you're received?"Xiao-Mei walks over the a drawer and opens it. She pulls out a large stack of letters. Everyone gasps as she hands them to Gaby. Gabrielle: "Oh my god, this can't be happening." Xiao-Mei: "I can't go home. My uncle will sell me again." Gabrielle: "Oh no, no Xiao-Mei, you're not going anywhere. Youe much too important to Carlos and me. We're gonna fight this and wee gonna win!" Bree: "Gaby, you can't promise her that!" Gabrielle: "Bree, you heard what she said. I can't let this poor kid go back to China and become someone's slave!" Xiao-Mei: "Thank you."Xiao-Mei leans in for a hug. Gabrielle hugs her, pats her back, then pushes her gently away. Gabrielle: "All right, look my friends want to take some of this to go, so pack it up and we're a little low on coffee."

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话这个男的是gay.需要找个女的假结婚.然后可以获得遗产.~~来听听这个对话吧Edie: "Okay, listen, um, I've got to meet a client. I've got to go, so just talk amongst yourselves, and you two make a very handsome couple." Susan: "Oh." Gary: "Yeah. Uh, hi." Susan: "Hi." Gary: "So, do you wanna get married on Wednesday? 'Cause Thursday and Friday I'm out of town." Susan: "Oh! Oh, yeah sure, that's, Wednesday's great. Well, I'm, I'm just curious. How did Edie convince you to do this so quickly?" Gary: "Well, she explained your situation to me. I'm sort of in need of a fake bride myself, so I figured, what the heck?" Susan: "Why would you need a fake bride?" Gary: "I'm gay and I've never come out to my mother." Susan: "Really?" Gary: "Yeah. At first, I just didn't want to upset her. Then she got older, she got emphysema and diverticulitis, and I started thinking, if I just kept my mouth shut, then one day nature would take its course and we could avoid what is sure to be a very ugly scene." Susan: "So what changed?" Gary: "She told me at her eighty-first birthday party last month the only reason she's hanging on is to see me get married." Susan: "Oh. Oh, so by marrying me..." Gary: "Yeah, I'd get my inheritance that much sooner. No, but mostly, I wanna make sure she's happy. Well, you seem very nice, Susan. Uh, it will be a pleasure being married to you." Susan: "Uh, likewise." Gary: "Here, you can finish the rest of the fries."

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话Edie让Karl收拾屋子~~呵呵~~常用的对话Edie: "Karl!" Karl: "Yeah?" Edie: "This place is a freakin' pigsty. Would you get down here and help me?"Karl: "All right, hold on, it's almost halftime. By the way, I made dinner reservations at Chez Naomi tonight, if that's okay." Edie: "It's gotta be better than that rathole you took me to New Year's. And don't even think of getting me carnations again. That crap might have flown for Mayer. I actually have taste. Come on! Move it!"Karl: "All right, I'm coming."Edie: "No! No, no, no. Sit and watch the game. I was just giving you a hard time. You've had a tough week."

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话BREE在给自己的女儿做蛋糕。要做一个完美的蛋糕~~。。。。BREE现在的状态很扭曲Julie: "You okay in there?" Bree: "Fine, why?" Julie: "It's just people have been asking about the cake and you'ree been icing it for over an hour." Bree: "Well, I just keep messing it up. I don't know what's wrong with me." Julie: "You're probably just tired. My mom and I heard you up all night." Bree: "Oh, it just keeps coming out too thick."Julie: "You know people aren't going to care if the icing isn't perfect." Bree: "People care about details."Bree: "Someday when Danielle looks back I want her to remember just how perfect her cake looked and how hard her mother worked to make her happy. This cake is a symbol of my love!" Julie: "Well, it looks delicious."

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话在办公室发错信息是很可怕的。。。。尤其是你想骂谁,一点错,把信息发到他那去了。。。Lynette: "Ed. Hey. I.m so sorry, but obviously that was just meant for Tom't eyes only." Ed: "Honest mistake. Don't even worry about it." Lynette: "Okay, thanks. Well, I'm gonna go back in my office and continue to feel like a huge pervert." Ed: "At least you and Tom have a love life." Lynette: "Well, we do the best we can. Given the circumstances." Ed: "Better than Fran and I. We're dead in that department. Ah, no, I don't wanna bore you with details." Lynette: "I appreciate that. You know, Ed. I don't want to pry into your personal business, but if you are having problems in that area, you don't have to be resigned to it." Ed: "What are you suggesting, hookers? No, Ed Ferrara doesn't pay for sex." Lynette: "I mean, you and Fran could spice it up a bit.

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话新邻居 Bree: "Hello?""We saw more..."Gabrielle: "Hi, there."Mary Alice: "I'm Mary Alice. This is Susan, uh, Lynette, and Bree." Susan: "Welcome to the neighborhood."Gabrielle puts on a shirt. Gabrielle: "Well, I am Gabrielle Solis." Lynette: "Would it be better if we came back at another time?" Gabrielle: "Oh! No, no. I was just changing out of my sweaty clothes. I didn't realize moving was such great cardio."Carlos: "Hey, babe, we haven't tried it in the kitchen yet." Gabrielle: "Honey, uh, I think it's time to unpack the pants." Carlos: "Right. It's nice to meet you ladies."Mary Alice: "Let me guess. Newlyweds?" Gabrielle: "Four months, and I've dressed like this for two of 'em. He's insatiable."

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话Karl为Susan买了房子,Mike很生气!Susan: "Careful with those. It's the last of the crystal." Julie: "Okay." Mike: "Hey, what's going on?" Susan: "Oh, hi. Um, we're just moving." Karl: "Hey! It's the plumber. You come over to help Susie move into her new house?" Mike: "New house?" Karl: "Oh, she didn't tell you? I bought a place for my girls." Mike: "You let him buy you a house?" Susan: "Uh, well, he's not moving in with us." Mike: "After that speech about wanting to go it alone, and after I offered to let you stay with me?" Susan: "To be fair, you just had a spare room and this is a whole house." Karl: "Hey, no offense, if you're not using your back, you're just in the way."Mike: "You saw me buying that ring and you just had to cut me off." Susan: "You bought me a ring?" Karl: "Suze, let me handle this. A man's gotta protect his family." Susan: "Uh, Mike, about that ring..." Mike: "Put that box down." Karl: "What, you gonna hit me, huh?"Karl throws the box at Mike and jumps him. Susan: "Stop it! Oh, my...what are you-just stop it! Oh, that's enough! Just get off! Get off! Go! Go!"Karl gets off, grabs a pan, and throws it at Mike head. Susan: "Oh, my god. What? Stop!

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话Edie想赶紧把房子卖掉,这个大妈总跟看房的人说些大实话,什么死过人啊之类的。。。Edie很无语!哈哈。Edie: "Welcome. Welcome. Oh, don't worry about the water, the floors are laminated. Here's a flyer."Mrs. McCluskey: "They found her severed fingers in the garage." Potential buyer #2: "Oh, no." Mrs. McCluskey: "And they never found Felicia's body. I wouldn't be surprised if someday you opened the cabinet and hello!"Edie: "Karen, dear. Have you seen the marble backsplash? Oh, I just must show it to you. Excuse us."Edie: "What are you trying to do to me, you back-stabbing cow?" Karen: "They asked why the owner was selling. I told them that Paul Young was in jail. They asked why. Conversation has a flow." Edie: "Well, knock it off! I've been trying to unload this house of horrors for months now and you are not helping."Edie: "Ah, ah, ah. Those are for potential buyers. You withered old mooch!" Karen: "Well, good luck trying to find one of those. Maybe you'll have an easier time with the Applewhite house and that rec room in the basement." Edie: "Get out."Edie: "Get out, get out, get out, get out!" Potential Buyer #3: "Edie, uh, do you have a moment, please?" Edie: "Yes, yes, yes, yes."

Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du?回复: 美国人的日常生活对话Nora是Tom私生女的母亲,也就是第三者,Lynette是Tom的正室, Lynette和Tom要拍全家福,Nora也来凑热闹蓝色句子都很好,要会Lynette: "Settle down." Kids: "Come on!" Lynette: "Kayla ready yet?" Nora: "Just a sec." Tom: "Honey, thank you for this. I know it's a little weird, I mean, to send out a family Christmas photo with your husband's love child, but it means a lot to her to feel included." Lynette: "No problem. She's a great little girl."Lynette: "All right, let's do this. I'm just going to, uh, check the focus."Lynette: "Nora." Nora: "Lynette." Lynette: "Uh huh. What are you doing there?" Nora: "Well, it's a family photo, right?" Lynette: "Tom, could I, could I check your tie again?"Tom: "She sat down so quickly, I didn't know what to say." Lynette: "How about, 'you're in the frame, bitch, move.'" Tom: "Lynette." Lynette: "No, I am sorry. How much of her crap do I have to put up with? First it's little drop bys, than she's inviting herself to dinner three times a week. Now she wants to be in our Christmas photo? I'm sorry, no, that's not happening." Nora: "Hey, guys. Don't fight, it's the holidays." Lynette: "Nora, this is just for our family. I would prefer if you weren't in it." Nora: "Oh,

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