加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息M桥英语俱乐部:多元文化环境的挑战


家园里居然没有一个发布社区活动的地方,建议增加一个这样的栏目。一年多以前,一些致力于提高英语交流的移民成立了一个俱乐部,现在这个俱乐部成为了一个小小的公益组织,我也有幸成为一个志愿服务人员。希望大家喜欢我们的活动。M-Bridge: 致力于提高华人移民英语交流技能,建立华人和西人文化交流的公益组织。系列活动涵盖英语,经济,政治,生活等方方面面,英语演讲者来自各个领域。 本期英文讲座Hightlight: 多元文化和多元工作环境带来的挑战 掌握多元文化环境里沟通的技巧,提升职业之路 享受多元文化 www.m-bridge.org[email protected] 416-900-0112 Wednesday, May 19, 2010 Topic: Cultural Intelligence ? A Key to Succeeding in A Diverse Workplace Speaker: Kevin Lin ​ The World is getting flatter! The workplace in Canada is amongst the most diverse throughout the world and will continue to become ever more diverse. Our future presents a challenge to work effectively with coworkers, supervisors, subordinators and clients who come from different cultural backgrounds in an interconnected and highly competitive work environment. In this interactive session, the participants will learn how to effectively beware, cultivate and nurture your cultural intelligence to effectively work and communicate with people with diverse background. Please email [email protected] to register your attendance.​ ​ Kevin Lin is a career coach and cross-cultural communication trainer. He has more than 12 years of diversified experience in Marketing & Sales, Management, Engineering, career coaching and group facilitation for private, non-profit and academic sectors. He has coached more than 2,000 Internationally Trained Professionals through their career transitions. He is the co-founder of Chinese Community Workers Networking group (CCWNG). Time: Wednesday, May 13, 7:00-9:00PM Location: Kennedy College, Unit 502, 1200 Eglinton Avenue East, North York, ON M3C 1H9 (N.E. corner of Don Mills Rd. & Eglinton Ave. East of Supper Store) Maplink: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1200+Eglinton+Avenue+East,+North+York,+ON+M3C+1H9,+Canada&sll=43.721721,-79.335189&sspn=0.01084,0.019226&ie=UTF8&ll=43.721614,-79.33455&spn=0.02168,0.038452&z=15​ P.S. The easiest way to access the building is from the westbound of Eglinton Ave E., east of Don Mills. FREE PARKING AFTER 6:00PM. If you have any difficulty of finding the location, please call 416-358-9824. Please kindly be advised that we will charge $2.50 for each session, or $10.00 for four sessions to be attended at your convenience. This fee is purely to cover the cost for tokens of appreciation to our guest speakers. If you have any difficulty regarding this payment, feel free to talk to one of our coordinators. We will be more than willing to waive it for you.

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