加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息捷克代表投诉上海世博会原文
上海世博管理混乱令参展国家忍无可忍!捷克馆首席专员斯特赫利克早前致上海世博督导委员会的一封投诉信外泄,他在信中炮轰世博园区管理的五宗罪,并多次使用“不可接受”及“荒谬”等强硬字眼。 他声言,若种种问题未能解决,捷克馆极可能在5月关门大吉。 捷克馆发言人接受电话查询时称,5月7日,斯特赫利克在综合其他参展国(或地区)的意见后,的确曾向上海世博督导委员会发过电邮,内容表达了对园区管理的忧虑及提出改善建议,但邮件只属内部对话,捷克馆没对外公开信件。他对网站shanghaiist.com流传的版本不作评论,但他亦指出部份问题近两仍未获处理。 斯特赫利克的电邮二(5月18日)在网上热传。
三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 捷克代表投诉上海世博会原文The following email, sent by Pavel Antonín Stehlík, the Commissioner-General of the Czech Pavilion, to the Expo 2010 Steering Committee, has been sent to us by a Shanghaiist reader. In the email peppered with exclamation marks, Stehlík blasts the committee for a laundry list of policies that he sees as "unacceptable", "unnecessary" and "ridiculous" -- and reveals that the Czech pavilion will have to close in May because they have been unable to sort out residence permits for their staff due to an uncooperative Protocol Department. Our heart goes out to Stehlík for all the shit he has had to put up with, and we hope he feels better now that the issues he's highlighted have gotten a proper airing here.To: Steering Committee of the EXPO 2010 Dear Sir/MadameLet me to express my serious concern regarding following issues common to all participants as follows.1. Every day EXPO pavilion staff has serious difficulties to get access to their pavilions, due to queues at gates. All pavilion staff is every day wasting thousands of hours unnecessarily. This is not acceptable. We need much faster staff entry to EXPO site!Suggested solution: between 7:00 and 9:00 the visitor lines should be open for EXPO staff only. Security screening will be or simplified, or there will be more security people available between 7:30 and 9:30.2. Only two out of more than 30 of our expat permanent staff have got Residence permit for foreigner in China, because the Protocol Dpt. of EXPO refused to provide required Confirmation Letter to both Labor and Immigration offices, regardless we have provided all required information. As a result my expat pavilion staff has to leave China at the time their F-visa expires (very soon). Therefore the Czech pavilion is going to be closed in May 2010. This is unacceptable. Suggested solution: EXPO Bureau will issue the Confirmation Letters and would set together with both Immigration office and Labor office a fast, reliable and customer friendly procedure to fix this issue before May 10. 2010.3. Only one day before EXPO start the organizer has issued written rules on PVIPs. Unfortunately, we cannot follow these unnecessary rules. Only May 1st we have got PVIP cards, but according to the rules, the first day we could invite PVIPs was May 14! This is unacceptable. When pavilion staff is going to hand over PVIP cards to our visitors, he/she is not allowed to walk back through PVIP entry and is forced to queue at staff line, sometimes 40minutes! This is also unacceptable. Suggested solution: EXPO Bureau will cancel PVIP rules (not needed) and will enable pavilion staff to accompany their PVIPs through PVIP entry lines.4. Congratulations to the logistic solution used May 4 that eventually enabled us to re-fill our pavilions with required material and goods over night. Unfortunately, May 5. EXPO Bureau has changed the working solution to not working one, again! For example we are not allowed to send our pavilion staff clothes to laundry and bring it back by car by security people, our cars/suppliers car cannot bring our goods to our pavilion and Sinotrans has no capacity to do so quickly, etc. This is unacceptable. We need effective system of May 4th be valid from now on. We need organizer to cancel all ridiculous rules without any delay. Suggested solution: EXPO Bureau will put back into function logistics rules of May 4th and will cancel all ridiculous rules blocking participants getting their material to/from EXPO site smoothly before May 6th 2010.5. No rules on emergency repairs for opening hours have been issued yet. As a result, we have no idea hove to make any urgent repair during opening hours in our pavilions (water leakage etc.). This is unacceptable. Suggested solution: EXPO Bureau will inform all pavilions before May 10th 2010 on emergency repairs and their entry to EXPO site during opening hours.Given the importance and urgency of the issues listed above I am asking the Steering Committee to take an immediate action on all of them with the organizer.Yours sincerely,Pavel Antonín StehlíkCommissioner General Czech SectionAmbassador
三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 捷克代表投诉上海世博会原文致:上海2010年世博会指导委员会 亲爱的先生/女士: 请允许我在下面对所有参展者都面临的问题表示深切顾虑。 1、由于入口处排队过长,展馆员工每天都会在进入自己展馆时面临严重的困难。所有展馆的工作人员每天都会不必要地浪费掉数千个小时。这是令人无法接受的。我们需要在世博会展区设立更加快速的员工通道! 解决建议:游客入口应在每天7:00至9:00间仅向工作人员开放。应当简化安检程序,或者在7:30-9:30之间增派更多安保人员。 2、由于我们在提供所有所需信息之后,世博协议部门拒绝提供劳工及移民管理部门要求的确认信,我们展馆的30名长期员工中,只有2名持有外国人士在华居留许可。我馆员工因此不得不在所持的商务签证到期(很快)之后离开中国。捷克馆也因此将在2010年5月关闭。这令人无法接受。 解决建议:世博局应当尽快提供确认信,并应在2010年5月10日之前,协同移民和劳工管理部门快速、可靠、友好地解决这一问题。 3、世博会开幕前一天,组织者才颁布了PVIP的相关规定。但不幸的是,我们无法执行这些不必要的规定。我们只在5月1日得到了PVIP卡,但根据规定,我们邀请PVIP的开始日期却是5月14日!这令人无法接受。当展馆员工向我们的访问者递送PVIP卡后,他/她却不能通过PVIP通道返回,只能在员工通道排队,有时耗时甚至长达40分钟!这一点同样令人无法接受。 解决建议:世博局应当取消(没有必要的)PVIP规定,同时应当允许展馆员工陪同PVIP通过PVIP通道进入。 4、感谢5月4日的物流解决方案,我们终于能够在夜间向展馆补充所需的材料和物品了。不幸的是,世博局在5月5日又将解决方案改成了不能用的方案!例如,我们无法通过安保人员驾驶的车辆将员工换洗的服装送去洗涤并带回。我们的车辆/补给车辆也无法向我们的展馆运送物品,而中国外运又不具备这么快速的能力等等。这令人无法接受。我们需要5月4日那种有效率的物流体系从现在开始生效。我们需要组织者即刻取消那些荒谬的规定。 解决建议:世博局应当在2010年5月6日前恢复5月4日采用的有效物流规定,并取消那些阻止参展者向世博展区顺利运送/输出材料的荒谬规定。 5、目前尚没有开放时间进行紧急维修的规定。因此,我们对开放时间内我们展馆中发生的任何紧急维修情况(例如水管泄漏)束手无策。这无法令人接受。 解决建议:世博局应当在2010年5月10日之前向所有展馆告知紧急维修信息,及维修人员在世博园开放时间内的进入通道。 鉴于以上事务的紧要性,我请求指导委员会立即协同组织者采取行动进行解决。 您诚挚的, Pavel Antonín Stehlík 捷克馆总负责人 大使http://www.sinonet.net/
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