加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息雅思考试听力技巧(快速通过考试)
[FONT=宋体]雅思考试听力技巧篇[/FONT]---[FONT=宋体]知己知彼,有备而战[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT][FONT=宋体]在雅思听力考试中,考生通常会有同一种心理体验,那就是说话人的语速快,信息量[/FONT][FONT=宋体]大,自己的理解速度跟不上。就好像在球场上有无数个球如排山倒海式地投向我们,但是一双手根本不足以应对,接着一个,丢掉十个。考试时,恨不能手脚并用,五个题目能抓住两个答案就不错了。在很多情况下考生会将自己的失误归因于各种因素,其中包括单词量不足,听力理解转换速度慢,对话题不熟悉或是精神状态不好等等。其实这种现象的根本原因所在是对雅思听力考试的出题点,即听力的考核目标不了解所致。知己知彼,有备而战是考试制胜的关键。知己就是要了解自身对英文的运用程度,我相信参加雅思考试的考生在进入考场前对自己的能力都进行过自我评估,有一定的英文能力方才进入考场。知己[/FONT]---[FONT=宋体]了解自己是取胜的第一步。知彼[/FONT]---[FONT=宋体]了解听力的出题点有为关键。因为只有了解听力需要考核的内容,考生方能在头脑中默默地编织一个网络,迎接能过得分的那一球。即有备而战。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]每次培训听力技巧时,我都要求考生从看到听力题目的一刻起,在录音带播放前的珍贵的一两分钟前将全部力量集中在找寻考点上。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]例如,在下列的有关火车信息的题目中考题要求用不超过三个字填写火车信息:[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] Train Information:1. Local service department from_______________ railway station.2. National services depart from the _______________ railway station.3. Trains for London depart every _____________ each day during the week.4. The price of a first class tickets includes _____________. [FONT=宋体]这个四个题目的考点分别是[/FONT]1. Local service[FONT=宋体]的[/FONT]railway station[FONT=宋体]火车站的名称。[/FONT]2. National services[FONT=宋体]的火车站的名称。[/FONT]3. Every[FONT=宋体]和[/FONT]each day[FONT=宋体]之肯定是除周末外每天火车出站的频率。所以注意听是每半个小时、一个小时还是两个小时出站即可。[/FONT]4.price[FONT=宋体]价格里包括的服务项目,按常识来看英国列车头等舱的服务中出了航程外,还会额外包含餐饮。英文中可能出现的词汇是[/FONT]meals[FONT=宋体]的各种形式([/FONT]breakfast, lunch, dinner,[FONT=宋体])或小吃[/FONT]refreshments or snacks.[FONT=宋体]进一步分析[/FONT]snack[FONT=宋体]是北美的说法,雅思是英式考试体系,因此出现[/FONT]refreshments[FONT=宋体]的可能性较大。所以经过一番分析后,考生大可调整情绪,镇定自若地接着四个得分球即可,它们分别是:[/FONT]1.[FONT=宋体]地方线路车站名、[/FONT]2.[FONT=宋体]全国线路车站名、[/FONT]3. [FONT=宋体]一周出发频率、[/FONT]4. [FONT=宋体]服务项目[/FONT][FONT=宋体]。这四项内容是你的得分点,要将全部精力集中在寻找它们的过程中。其它信息一带而过,假设出现生单词也要做到“不求甚解”,千万不要让它们干扰你的集中力。听力原文如下:[/FONT] Customer[FONT=宋体]:[/FONT]Hello. Um my family and I are staying here in Trebirch for a week or two and we wanted to know about the train services. We’re hoping to do a few local trips. Rail Person: OK. Well, I can give you lots of details about all the trains going from Trebirch in the South West. This leaflet will be very helpful but I can tell you some of the main things. We’ve got two main train stations in the town. King Street is for local commuter lines and regional services.Customer: What about trains to London? I’ll need to go there on business for one day. Rail Person: Then you need to go to Central Station- that’s for all the national services. There are regular trains to London. They leave Trebirch every half hour on weekdays and every hour at the weekends. It takes about two hours, a bit longer on Sunday. You’ve got a choice of first and second class and there’s a buffet car- though refreshments are included in the cost of a first class ticket. [FONT=宋体]答案即是:[/FONT]1. Local service department from King Street railway station.2. National services depart from the Central railway station.3. Trains for London depart every half hour each day during the week.4. The price of a first class tickets includes refreshments . [FONT=宋体]有备而战,我们即可以游刃有余地得到正确答案,又可以有助于增强自信,因对更加深入地考题。例如在听力考试中地图题可以说是考生心中永远的痛。因为只要一个方位点听不到,下面所有的相对位置统统答不上来。可是如果有机会把原文再听一便,[/FONT]90%[FONT=宋体]的考生都能找到答案,可惜听力考试只播放一次,机会均等,只有那些会抓考点的考生能够脱颖而出。其实,地图题的目的就是考察考生能不能听懂表达地点方位的词组。例如:[/FONT]between A and B is----; in front of C is----; D is in the middle of E and G; H is opposite I[FONT=宋体]等等,它们看似简单,但是原文中会出现一些分散考生注意力的内容,增加听力难度。例如下面一道有关建筑物分布得考题,[/FONT]P24 [FONT=宋体]“[/FONT]Look at the map below. As you can see, the student restaurant is at the bottom right hand corner of the map. A lot of students from different department usually have meals there. At the bottom left hand corner of the map is the student union. Between the student restaurant and student union is the Medical Services. The new library is opposite the student restaurant. Students can borrow books from this library. You can also borrow some books that can not be lent from the old library, such as some entertainment magazines, financial books and some vogue magazines. On the left hand of the new library is the media center where you can take part in many activities. For example, you can surf the internet and hold parties. The media center is located between the nursery and new library. This is the overall introduction about this map. [FONT=宋体]”[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]听上段文字时,考生只需听出黑体字部分既能够完成全部考题,但是多数考生在原图上找到[/FONT]the new library[FONT=宋体]在[/FONT]C[FONT=宋体]这个位置后就迷失了方向,因为在两段黑体字即答案中间出现了干扰注意力的一段文字“[/FONT]Students can borrow books from this library. You can also borrow some books that can not be lent from the old library, such as some entertainment magazines, financial books and some vogue magazines.[FONT=宋体]”甚至还有中国考生不太熟悉的杂志名称[/FONT]vogue magazines.[FONT=宋体]时尚杂志。经过训练的考生都会在听力考试中自觉地、甚至会下意识地规避这些干扰因素,直冲主体,赢得胜利。听力技巧是雅思考试取得高分的有利武器,“公预善其事,必先力其器”。技巧的培养可以从今天做起,拿出一套听力模拟考题,先不急听录音,流出几分钟的时间分析一下考点所在,在头脑中变出一张得分的网络,缩小包围圈,有备而战,势在必得。[/FONT] B C A D StudentRestaurant StudentUnion
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