加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息乘火车时要说的那些话


请你告诉我售票处在哪里好吗?  Would you tell me where is the booking office / the ticket window?  请问到纽约有特快火车吗?  Is there any express train to New York?  我们有很多趟去北京的列车,慢车、普快、直快、特快和旅游列车。  We have many trains going to Beijing, the local train, the fast train, the through train, the express train, and the tourist train。  我要两张软卧下铺票。  Two cushioned lower berths, please。  (上铺:upper berth 下铺:lower berth 硬卧:semi-cushioned berth / hard berth 软卧:cushioned berth/soft berth)  两张10点的头等快车票。  Two first class tickets on express at ten, please。  请给我一张去A的单程票。  Please give me a one-way ticket to A。  8次列车每天几点发车?  What time does the No.8 train leave every day?  请问去4次列车应该去哪个站台?  Which platform is for the No.4 train?  我们只有5分多钟,最好快点。  We have five more minutes. We had better hurry。  可能还来得及。  Perhaps we will make it。  这班火车大约晚点10分钟。  The train will be about ten minutes behind time。  这列火车在我们这站停留几分钟?  How long does this train stay at the station?  这个座位有人坐吗?  Is this seat vacant?  我走开时请你帮我保留这个座位好吗?  Will you please keep this seat for me while I am away?  这班火车什么时候到台南?  What time is the train due in Tainan?  请问这列车上有餐厅吗?  Is there any dinning car on the train?  我想我晕车了。  I think it's motion sickness。  我们是不是应该在停车前把行李拿下来?  Shall we get the luggage down before it's stops。  我们马上就要到站了。  We will be at the station in a minute。

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