加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息It-girl是什么样的女孩
她有无法抵挡的魅力。她的态度、她的经历,当然还有她的style,永远都是媒体关注的焦点。她就是我们要说的It girl。 An It girl or It-girl is a charming, sexy young woman who receives intense media coverage unrelated or disproportional to personal achievements. The reign of an "It girl" is usually temporary; some of the rising It girls will either become fully-fledged celebrities or their popularity will fade. The term "It boy", much less frequently used, is the male equivalent. This term is unrelated to the abbreviation IT。 It girl(或It-girl)指受到媒体密切关注、魅力无限、性感迷人的年轻女子,她们受到的关注与她们个人的成就没有太多关联,或者关注度与其个人成就极不匹配,中文多译作“物质女孩”或“名门无良女”。It girl当红的时间一般都比较短,受到瞩目的It girl,有点可能会蜕变成真正意义上的名人,有的可能就此销声匿迹了。与其相对应的It boy指同样境况的年轻男子。这里的It跟我们通常所说的信息工程(information technology)这个词的缩写IT一点关系都没有。 The term was coined by English romance novelist and screenwriter Elinor Glyn to describe actress Clara Bow as she appeared in the 1927 Hollywood silent film It. Glyn described the term thus: "IT" is that quality possessed by some which draws all others with its magnetic force. With "IT" you win all men if you are a woman―all women if you are a man. "IT" can be a quality of the mind as well as a physical attraction。 这个说法最初是由英国爱情小说家及剧作家艾琳娜•格林提出的,她在形容1927年好莱坞无声电影《It》中女演员克莱拉•鲍的时候用了这个词。格林是这样说的: “It”是有些人身上具有的一种特质,这种特质独有的吸引力能够让这些人得到所有人的关注。如果你是女人,有了“It”,你就可以赢得所有的男人――如果你是男人,有了“It”,你就可以赢得所有的女人。“It”可以是精神上的吸引力,也可以是肉体上的吸引力。 Since 1927 the term has been extended beyond the world of film, referring to whoever in society, fashion or the performing arts was in vogue at the time, and eventually extending beyond young female performing artists to mere "media celebrities"。 1927年以后,It girl这个说法就不限于电影界了,它可以指社会上、时尚界或者演艺界任何一个走在潮流前线的人,后来It girl的界限不断延伸,从年轻的演艺明星到纯粹的“媒体名人”,都可以用It girl来指代。
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