加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教多大本科入学标准问题


本人国内本科毕业,准备移民后先读college,再转申请多大商科本科,但ut网站上有这么一条: Rotman Commerce Program at the Faculty of Arts and Science, St. George Campus: Applications will not be considered from students who have completed more than one year of post-secondary level study or the equivalent (including transfer credits). For details visit the Rotman Commerce website. (来自http://www.adm.utoronto.ca/adm/adm_other_req/adm_transfers.htm) 是不是因为读了本科,就不符合rotman的要求了?请各位大侠帮我看看。谢了!!

回复: 请教多大本科入学标准问题照你copy过来的东西,就是这么一个意思。。。

既然来了就留下你的微笑,既然走了就带走你的悲伤回复: 请教多大本科入学标准问题谢了。眼泪哗哗地~

回复: 请教多大本科入学标准问题本人国内本科毕业,准备移民后先读college,再转申请多大商科本科,但ut网站上有这么一条: Rotman Commerce Program at the Faculty of Arts and Science, St. George Campus: Applications will not be considered from students who have completed more than one year of post-secondary level study or the equivalent (including transfer credits). For details visit the Rotman Commerce website.(来自http://www.adm.utoronto.ca/adm/adm_other_req/adm_transfers.htm) 是不是因为读了本科,就不符合rotman的要求了?请各位大侠帮我看看。谢了!!点击展开...你没看懂,上面那位没CHECK.这是针对转学学生的.你如果从头申请,就是读了博士做了教授也可以.

回复: 请教多大本科入学标准问题那你的意思就是,它说的这个--完成不能多于一年的post-secondary才可申请,仅针对要transfer之前的college来说的吧。在ut的网站上苦找contact的 email,根本找不到,所以也没法直接联系问,只能拜托这位大侠了。

回复: 请教多大本科入学标准问题那你的意思就是,它说的这个--完成不能多于一年的post-secondary才可申请,仅针对要transfer之前的college来说的吧。在ut的网站上苦找contact的 email,根本找不到,所以也没法直接联系问,只能拜托这位大侠了。点击展开...你移民后直接去多大的ADMISSIONOFFICE问也来得及.你也可读MBA.

回复: 请教多大本科入学标准问题以后要仔细找。自己的未来,你自己不关心谁还愿意帮你。。。我截的图,从看到你的回复到找到,2分钟不到。。。。。http://forum.iask.ca/attachment.php?attachmentid=104708&stc=1&d=1236546740

既然来了就留下你的微笑,既然走了就带走你的悲伤回复: 请教多大本科入学标准问题是的,要学会自己查,不要问别人,这里工作也是这样,随便问别人会变成PERFORMANCE不是很好. 详细的在这里.http://www.adm.utoronto.ca/adm/default.htm右上方点CONTACT US http://www.adm.utoronto.ca/contactus.htm [SIZE=+1]Contact Information[/SIZE]Please call, write or visit us for more information. In any correspondence, please include your U of T Applicant Number if you have one. [SIZE=+1]Address[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]:[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1] [/SIZE] Admissions and Awards University of Toronto 315 Bloor Street West Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A3[SIZE=+1]Location[/SIZE][SIZE=-2]:[/SIZE] We are located on the south side of Bloor St. W. at the intersection of Devonshire Place and Bloor St.W.The closest subway stop is St. George Station. On the U of T Campus map, we are building AO ("Admissions Office"). Please be advised that our building is not currently wheelchair accessible. If you would like to meet with a counsellor and are unable, for this reason, to visit our office, please telephone us. We would be pleased to arrange a meeting at a nearby and accessible campus location. [SIZE=+1]Office Hours[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]:[/SIZE]Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.Tuesday: 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.Drop in with questions, to pick up applications for bursaries or scholarships, or to hand in an OSAP application.[SIZE=+1]Telephone[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]:[/SIZE]416-978-2190[SIZE=+1]Fax[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]:[/SIZE]416-978-7022[SIZE=+1]Email[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]:[/SIZE]​Financial AidAdmissionsCES​再点ADMISSION, If you have read through the information provided in this website and you still feel you need to contact an admissions counsellor directly you can contact admissions by email. Please be aware that it will take several weeks to receive a response. Note: The email address above is designed specifically to respond ONLY to general enquiries regarding undergraduate admissions. Top e-mail: [email protected]

回复: 请教多大本科入学标准问题二位说得对,惭愧,谢了!

回复: 请教多大本科入学标准问题不知道楼主申请得如何了?

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