加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求教申请BC student loan经验
9月份想去BCIT读两年的program,填写网上申请student loan问卷时,碰到以下问题 Q1: Will you have been out of high school for more than 48 months (four years) when classes start? yes or no Did you complete your Grade 12 equivalency test after leaving high school? If you did, use the date you originally left high school, not the date of your equivalency. 我是国内四年本科毕业的,在BC省除了 有BCIT COMM5 的英文(相当于12级),及11级的物理,化学成绩外,没有其他的成绩了. 到底我算不算complete grade 12 equivalency test , 这问题该答YES 还是NO 呢? 另外在申请过程中还要注意些什么呢? 请过来人赐教,谢谢。
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