加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息2010托福词汇测试题及参考答案
1. William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, vigorously defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion。 [A] strongly justifiably [C] initially [D] violently 2. The small child was unknowingly tormenting the puppy as he played with it。 [A] pleasing tantalizing [C] titillating [D] torturing 3. Generally speaking, a material with a sour taste, such as vinegar or lemon juice, contains an acid。 [A] tart (an) oily [C] fruity [D] bland 4. The mother was reluctant to give her son the keys to her car。 [A] obdurate unwilling [C] negligent [D] palpable 5. Alvar Aato is considered one of the preeminent architects of the twentieth century。 [A] eclectic outstanding [C] negligent [D] controversial 6. The directors faced a predicament in trying to meet the deadline。 [A] (an) enigma quandary [C] task [D] (an) occasion 7. German meteorologists have correlated each of six weather phases with the onset of certain medical conditions, ranging from epilepsy to stomach pains。 [A] worsening pain [C] diagnosis [D] start 8. Attitudes on the two sides in the Revolutionary War precluded the possibility of a peaceful solution。 [A] presaged prejudiced [C] anticipated [D] prevented 9. During the Middle Ages, the sciences were considered to be based in the occult。 [A] psychology anthropology [C] fundamental [D] supernatural 10. Millennia have passed since the pyramids were built。 [A] Hundreds of years Several centuries [C] Thousands of years [D] Millions of decades 答案: 1~5 ADABB 6~10 BDDDC
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