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To be expected - Notebook Computer with Built-in Multifunctional Stand Nowadays, the notebook computer is very popular in people's life. In English, it is often called as "laptop", which means "a computer on the lap" and shows its close bond to people and its convenience in use.Whereas, the current figuration and dimension of notebook is far away from the human engineering satisfactory. Therefore, it can hardly make one comfortable when in use of laptop for long hours, no matter on the desk, in bed, neither on lap. Furthermore, it will intrigue various of physical strain and pain on neck, shoulders, arms, waist and back, if one use computer in a long time. To make more comfortable in using notebook computer, there have been many kinds of desks and stands specially-designed for the notebook computer in various models.Besides, due to its portable conveniency, many people are more tended to carry the notebook in their trip or use outside. This shall increase the pilferage chance of notebook. Its mobility and convenience to carry are just the reasons of its easiness to be stolen. So that, there is specially a kind of chain lock as theftproof for a notebook computer. But in my views, this lock is not sufficient enough as anti-theft and, it is not handy to lock and unlock. In addition, the computer is inconvenient to be moved in the locked state. Anyway, people usually don't use this kind of special chain-style lock.I tried to find a simple way to solve the above two problems with notebook computer: a) to design an appropriate stand to improve the postures while using; b) to strengthen its function of anti-theft. Consequently a fully new scheme for notebook computer stand emerges as the times require, i.e. "Notebook Computer with Built-in Multifunctional Stand". I had applied for the patent in it.This stand is totally different from any other current stands or desks for notebook computer. It must be BUILT-IN to the main body of notebook computer. This stand will become an actual product only if the overall aspect and the whole design of the current notebook computer are remarkably changed. The great advantage of this new stand is that it will be an exclusive product to avoid the sharp competition in the market.In conclusion, I would like to contact directly with the top managers of the R&D and chief engineers of the notebook computer enterprises and promote my new technology to bring to the market.In following, I will introduce the design and the usage in texts and pictures. 如今,笔记本电脑已是非常普及了。在英语中,似乎人们更多时候是称它为“laptop”,意思是“膝上型电脑”,表示它与人们的亲密关系以及使用之方便。然而,由于现行笔记本电脑的外形、尺寸与人体工程学的完美要求相去甚远,长时间使用笔记本电脑,不论是坐在桌前、躺在床上,还是抱在怀里、置于膝头,总是无法让人自始至终处于舒适的身体姿态。更有甚者,长时间使用电脑(无论是笔记本电脑还是台式电脑)令人生出颈、肩、臂、腰、背的各种疾患。针对这一弊病,人们专为笔记本电脑设计了许多样式的电脑桌、电脑架,这方面的产品在市面上层出不穷。另外,笔记本电脑便于携带、移动,不少人士经常随身带着它外出或者长途旅行,这就大大增加了电脑被盗的机会。略举一例,笔者在中国时曾经多次参加大型商业展览会,几乎每次都听闻偶有参展单位笔记本电脑成为顺手牵羊者的战利品。恰恰因为它容易移动和携带,使得它的被盗往往就在人丧失警觉的一瞬间。为此,市面上也有专门用于笔记本电脑的锁链。但据观察,大概是因为这种锁的实际防盗效果不算太好,以及加锁、开锁的动作不够顺手,并且在锁上的状态又十分影响电脑的移动,总之人们事实上经常不用这种专门的链条锁。本人试图用一种简单、易用的办法,一举解决笔记本电脑上述两方面的问题:一是设计合适的支架以改善人们使用它时的姿势,二是增强它的防盗功能。因此,一种全新的笔记本电脑支架设计方案应运而生,它就是“自带一体化多功能支架的笔记本电脑”(Notebook Computer with Built-in Multifunctional Stand),本人已为它申请了专利。此种支架与其他各种现存的笔记本电脑桌、架产品的不同在于,它必须与笔记本电脑的机身连为一体,做整体的设计考量。因此如要推行此支架走向实际的产品化,势必需要笔记本电脑的设计、制造企业在其外观、整体工程设计方面做出较大的调整。这是其难度所在。根据上述推广的思路,我希望能够直接联系上笔记本电脑厂商研发、工程部门的高层主管人员。鉴于移民来加的华人同胞中,多有IT界的精英人士,也许他们中就有人能够为我指明方向,甚或直接引荐上马。这就是我选择在家园网发帖的一个出发点。接下来,我将用图文配合的方式对该设计方案以及使用情形作一系列的描述。随附一份笔记本电脑用户调查问卷,如您愿意将问卷打印出来填写并邮寄给我,请在投票中选“是”。您也可以填写问卷内容然后粘贴回帖在此。 欢迎各位给我意见和建议,正面、负面的信息我都万分感谢!欢迎板砖!

美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...入世界各族人民,來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變China is my mother, Canada is my lover.赞反馈:o0迷失Oo 和 奔四 2010-03-28#2 魁北瓜加拿颠
3,356 $0.00 回复: 1,设计摘要1, ABSTRACT:As shown in the picture, a set of stand comprises two horizontal support members (1), two vertical support members (2) and two rotatable support members (3). The two horizontal support members (1) are fixed to the underside of the notebook computer (4), and each end of each horizontal support member (1) is fixed to a vertical support member (2), the top of each vertical support member (2) being pivotably connected with the top of a rotatable support member (3). A connecting and fixing structure is set between at least one pair of the vertical and the rotatable support members to fix the angle they form. The angle between the vertical and the rotatable support members can be easily and rapidly adjusted to 0°,60°,120°,180°,240°,300°, i.e. the multiples of angle 60°. Or the rotatable support member (3) can be easily disassembled from vertical support member (2) and then reassembled in one of the above-mentioned angles. All these support members are configured as the structure of the Folding Umbrella Trunk, Camera Tripod and Trolley Luggage Box. The basic structure is that the smaller metal tube sheathes in the bigger metal tube, so that the support members can expand and contract to adjust the length.Attachments: Diagram and Model picture(Remarks: In the model, there are two rectangular boards to demonstrate the main body and the screen of notebook computer, additionally some folding umbrella trunks to be a stand set.) 如图,支架包括一对水平支撑杆1、一对垂直支撑杆2及一对转动支撑杆3。其中:两根水平支撑杆1固接于笔记本电脑4的底面,且两根水平支撑杆1的两端各固接一根垂直支撑杆2,该垂直支撑杆2的顶端则与转动支撑杆3的顶部枢接在一起。而每组垂直支撑杆2与转动支撑杆3之间设有连接固定结构,使得它们之间所成的角度可快速、轻巧地调节为0°、60°、120°、180°、240°、300°,即60°的整倍数。或者转动支撑杆3能够从垂直支撑杆2上很方便地拆卸下来并依上述不同角度重新安装上去。 以上所有的支撑杆都是类似折叠伞主干、照相机三角架、拉杆行李箱那样,为内外金属套杆,能够伸缩以调整长度。 附图:平面简图与实物模型照片(说明:实物模型以两块矩形木板代表笔记本电脑的主机底板与显示器面板,另以若干废旧折叠伞主干连接形成支架的样式。)

美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...入世界各族人民,來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變China is my mother, Canada is my lover.回复: 2,用户模特2, A teddy bear is shown to stand for the computer user. 由于没有合适的真人模特,用一只可爱的泰迪熊来代表使用电脑的人。(身体比例不如真人那么协调,大家将就着看。呵呵。)

美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...入世界各族人民,來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變China is my mother, Canada is my lover.回复: 3,床上使用情形1 (Bedtop-1)3, Using on a bed -1 (Bedtop-1)The rotatable support members turn upward by an angle of 60°, the computer overlooks the bed, the user is resupine in a completely relaxed poise. The scientific research shows that the resupine poise will be best for the eyes as long as the sight distance is proper. This posture will not be realised by any current desk or stand of notebook computer.Attachments: Diagram and Model picture 转动支撑杆向上60°,电脑俯瞰,人的姿势则是完全放松的仰卧。是不是很适合长时间只摸鼠标不敲键盘,或者看网络影视?这种姿势任何一种现存市面上的电脑桌、架都做不到。 附图:平面简图与实物模型照片

美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...入世界各族人民,來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變China is my mother, Canada is my lover.回复: 4,床上使用情形2(Bedtop-2)4, Using on a bed -2 (Bedtop-2)The rotatable support members turn downward by an angle of 60°, the user reclines his back on the bedside.Attachments: Diagram and Model picture 转动支撑杆向下60°,人斜倚在床头。 附图:平面简图与实物模型照片

美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...入世界各族人民,來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變China is my mother, Canada is my lover.回复: 5,桌上使用情形1(Desktop-1)5, Using on a desk -1(Desktop-1)The rotatable support members turn downward by an angle of 120°, the computer body is hoisted, and the keyboard is inclined. This is good for the user's cervical vertebra if he works with computer for a long time. The peripheral keyboard and mouse can be used. The disadvantage of this status is that the stand set will expand to a quite big fore-and-aft dimension, but an ordinary big desk will be OK for it.Please refer to some existing tabletop stand on market, it just blocks up the computer and makes the keyboard oblique.Attachments: Diagram, Model picture and existing tabletop stand pictures 转动支撑杆向下120°,电脑机身抬高,键盘倾斜。这种姿势有利于保护颈椎长时间工作而不易疲劳。可使用外接的键盘鼠标。缺点是支架展开的前后距离比较大,但是一般办公室稍大的办公桌都能满足。 试比较一下市面上现存的桌面支架,它正是单纯抬高电脑、加大键盘倾斜角度。 附图:平面简图、实物模型与现存桌面支架照片

美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...入世界各族人民,來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變China is my mother, Canada is my lover.回复: 6,桌上使用情形2(Desktop-2)6, Using on a desk -2(Desktop-2)The rotatable support members turn downward by an angle of 60°, the computer body is hoisted higher, and the keyboard is inclined more. The peripheral keyboard and mouse can be used. Attachments: Diagram, Model picture 转动支撑杆向下60°,电脑机身可以抬得更高,键盘更倾斜。可使用外接的键盘鼠标。 附图:平面简图与实物模型照片

美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...入世界各族人民,來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變China is my mother, Canada is my lover.回复: 7,地面使用情形1、2(Floortop-1-2)7, Using on floor -1 & 2 (Floortop-1 & -2)The rotatable support members turn downward by an angle of 60° or 120°, the support members stretch and the computer is hoisted quite high from the floor, so that computer user can put his legs under it. This is good for the condition without desk. The user doesn't need to crouch or bend over the floor. In a little more distance, it is specially fit for watching movies or playing video games etc.Attachments: Diagrams, Model pictures 转动支撑杆向下60°或120°,电脑撑起距地面有一定距离,人的双腿可放置其下。这种姿势适合没有桌子的情况,只要有沙发之类做靠背,就很舒适,不必使劲低头压背,不必俯趴地上。距离拉远些,适合看电影或者玩游戏之类。 附图:平面简图与实物模型照片

美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...入世界各族人民,來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變China is my mother, Canada is my lover.回复: 8,无桌坐椅膝上使用情形(Laptop-Chairtop)8, Using on the laps, without desk (Laptop-Chairtop)The user sits on a chair, the rotatable support members turn downward by an angle of 60° and stretch to sustain against floor, put the computer on the laps. The user will be comfortless if there aren't these support members which expand to the floor.In case of multiple chair arranged, for example, in tourist class of airliner, the computer user can put up properly the rotatable support members on the front desk, so that he can recline upon the backrest comfortably.Attachments: Diagrams, Model picture 人坐椅上,转动支撑杆向下60°并拉长撑于地面,即可与人的腿面共同支撑电脑。想象一下如果没有地面的这个支撑杆,是不是很不舒服? 在前后多排座椅的情形,例如航空客机经济舱,可以将转动支撑杆适当地搭在前排桌板,人可舒适地后仰靠在自己座椅,不必低头前俯。 附图:平面简图与实物模型照片

美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...入世界各族人民,來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變China is my mother, Canada is my lover.回复: 9,肩挂式使用情形(Bellytop-Shoulderhung)9, Bellytop-ShoulderhungThe rotatable support members turn upward by an angle of 60°, to use a gallus to hang on the shoulder, and the computer body props up on the chest or belly.In case there are not any desk or chair and the user has to stand up, for example in the subway train, he can adopt this method (also useful with a chair).Attachments: Model picture 如果实在需要使用电脑,而身边无桌无椅又必须站立,例如在地铁,可采用这种姿势(有椅子坐也可以采用)。转动支撑杆向上60°,连接一根背带挂在肩上,电脑底板顶在胸腹部。 附图:实物模型照片

美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...入世界各族人民,來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變China is my mother, Canada is my lover.回复: 10,挂墙使用情形(Walltop)10, Using on the wall (Walltop)There are two methods: a) The rotatable support members turn upward by an angle of 120°, and then fixed or hung on the wall, while the keyboard leans forth.b) To make the rotatable support members and the vertical support members side by side (by an angle of 0°) or, take down the rotatable support members and use the rest support members to hang on the wall, here the keyboard is parallel to the wall surface.The walltop methods are highly fit for shop demo, exhibition and small class teaching etc. Try to imagine that several students and their teacher in a small classroom to use a walltop computer. They don't need to use a projector or an epidiascope any more, do they?Attachments: Model pictures 有两种使用方式:一是让转动支撑杆向上120°,固定或悬挂于墙面,这时键盘面向外倾斜。 二是转动支撑杆收拢于垂直支撑杆(成0°)或者拆卸转动支撑杆,单凭剩余杆间的空隙悬挂于墙上,这时键盘与墙面平行。 挂墙式十分适合电脑商店展示、展览会以及教师小班教学等。试想一下,几个学生跟着老师在小课堂上课,有一台电脑挂在面前墙上,是不是可以省掉投影机或者幻灯机了? 附图:实物模型照片

美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...入世界各族人民,來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變China is my mother, Canada is my lover.回复: 11,防盗功能的说明11, Anti-theftBased on the explanation by texts and pictures hereinbefore, we also understand that the special chain-style lock will no longer be needed when we want to lock this new designed notebook computer. Any kinds of appropriate annular locks, for example, door lock or bicycle lock, will work. Just let the lock thread through the clearance between the horizontal support members and the vertical ones, then the computer will be easily locked on a proper place. By using “common lock”, people will be more accustomed to lock the notebook computer, the chance of computer-been-locked will be increased, therefore the function of anti-theft of notebook computer will be remarkably enhanced. 通过这些图片的展示,我们也可以了解,如果要把这种笔记本电脑锁上,已经不需要专用的链条锁了。只需任何一把合适的环形锁,包括门锁、自行车锁等,穿过水平支撑杆与垂直支撑杆之间的空隙,就可以将电脑锁在合适的位置。由于可使用“通用锁”,这将大大方便人们上锁的习惯,使笔记本电脑的防盗功能得到显著加强。 附图:几种环形锁的照片

美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...入世界各族人民,來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變China is my mother, Canada is my lover.回复: 请各位IT前辈多多指教,未来产品:自带一体化多功能支架的笔记本电脑我顶你

如果中国民主了5毛其实应该高兴,他们也是底层的,变革了他们至少保障会改善。只有权贵既得利益者担心,特别是资产不能搬动放在中国,来路邪恶的(我称这种人为畜牲)就非常担心了。对此签名过敏模仿攻击及对号入座的畜牲和sb滚远点。模仿我签名者全家死光赞反馈:魁北瓜加拿颠 2010-06-05#14 奔 252 $0.00 回复: 请各位IT前辈多多指教,未来产品:自带一体化多功能支架的笔记本电脑二十一世纪,什么最重要,人才。楼主是人才中的人才。此发明比“非诚勿扰”里的争议仲裁器更有料。期待你接下来的故事。发达了,别忘了俺们曾经顶过你。

回复: 请各位IT前辈多多指教,未来产品:自带一体化多功能支架的笔记本电脑好贴一定要顶的!!鲜花送上

回复: 请各位IT前辈多多指教,未来产品:自带一体化多功能支架的笔记本电脑躺平了敲电脑,显然手臂比较吃力,所以不适合!使用这种产品的必要性,很小!

回复: 请各位IT前辈多多指教,未来产品:自带一体化多功能支架的笔记本电脑躺平了敲电脑,显然手臂比较吃力,所以不适合!使用这种产品的必要性,很小!点击展开...呵呵,维持任何一种使用电脑的姿势不变,时间长了都将令人不舒服。长时间需要敲键盘,恐怕的确不适合仰卧的姿势。 但这种仰卧姿势却非常适合以下两种情况: 1,只摸鼠标,基本不敲键盘,例如工程绘图操作以及鼠标型电脑游戏等等,可以用USB外接一个鼠标配一个硬板垫即可。 2,不摸鼠标也不敲键盘,例如观看影视或者用外接手柄打游戏。 医学研究已经证明,躺在床上用眼,并不是损害视力的要素,只要视线距离适当且照明充足,视力就能得到保护。相反,仰卧时脑部供血充足,恰好有利于用眼和用脑,使得工作娱乐不易疲劳。 此项设计是“多功能支架”,以一个产品适应人体多种姿势下使用电脑。如要长时间密集地敲键盘,的确应该坐起来:

美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...入世界各族人民,來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變China is my mother, Canada is my lover.躺平了敲电脑,显然手臂比较吃力,所以不适合!使用这种产品的必要性,很小!点击展开...感谢各位朋友顶帖,衷心加SW回报。

美東 加東 旅遊包車、導遊、英法語陪同翻譯、長短途接送。高端訂製遊:蒙特利爾、多倫多、魁北克、渥太華、尼亞加拉瀑布、紐約、華盛頓、費城、波士頓...入世界各族人民,來全球多種精華,於是這個國家就變China is my mother, Canada is my lover.回复: 请各位IT前辈多多指教,未来产品:自带一体化多功能支架的笔记本电脑有创意!看好你哦

回复: 请各位IT前辈多多指教,未来产品:自带一体化多功能支架的笔记本电脑躺着的那个姿势,鼠标键盘最好都在床上,手熟的人,用起来也挺,比较好的位置可能是键盘左右各一半,哈哈哈。不熟悉键位的估计就不怎么舒服了。

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