加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息收到seneca的offer,咨询一下
我刚上ontariocolleges的网站上查了,已被seneca的采购专业录取,让我在8月11日之前confirm,否则失效(之前George Brown的一个offer我因为没有及时confirm而失效。),只是如果confirm的话会有如此后果:Confirm Your SelectionWhen you select this offer by clicking the "Yes, I do want to accept THIS offer" button below, the following occurs: SENECA will be informed that you chose this programOther colleges to which you applied will be informed that you chose another program. This may affect your offer status at other institutions (i.e. other offers may be cancelled.) Please contact the colleges to which you have applied for further details if necessary.You will be unable to change your confirmation until August 06, 2010 at 11 PM to allow colleges to process this information.但是seneca的这个专业不是我最想上的,我25号还要参加humber的考试,但是如果万一humber的没录取上seneca的又没有confirm那就两头空了 我看到坛里有很多童鞋说同时收到好几个offer的,不知道怎么做到的?有哪位童鞋遇到过这种情况吗,只有几天的时间来决定,不知道该怎么做好,另外,有谁了解seneca的采购专业吗?英文是PURCHASING AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT。
回复: 收到seneca的offer,咨询一下顶
回复: 收到seneca的offer,咨询一下seneca报完以后,接着去想报的专业的专业老师那里说要换专业,立刻解决问题
回复: 收到seneca的offer,咨询一下你即便confirm了,之后也是可以改的。此外,confirm归confirm,但只要没有交学费呢,怎么都好办。
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