加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息.NET Solutions Bridging Program at Humber
24 week bridging program is offered in partnership with JVS Toronto with funding provided by MCI. This tuition free program will give graduates in depth knowledge of application development using Microsoft .NET 3.5 and database administration, implementation and maintenance using SQL Server 2008. Courses include: Introduction to SQL and T-SQLWindows Application Development I & IIDatabase Application Development I & IIDistributed Application Development I & IIObject Oriented ProgrammingWorking in IT - A Canadian PerspectiveSector specific language trainingCareer ConnectionsGraduates will have the skills required to write the Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) and/or Microsoft Certifed Professional Developer (MCPD) exams. Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must:Be eligible to work in Canada;Possess a degree in Computer Science or a related field;Have been in Canada for 5 years or lessTo apply, applicants must: 1) Review program information on www.humber.ca/iti-net2) Attend an information session. Email [email protected] to reserve a seat Please see www.humber.ca/iti-net for detailed information.
回复: .NET Solutions Bridging Program at HumberThank you for your infomation. It sounds good.
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