加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问关于旅游专业哪个college比较好?
seneca,centenial 和 GB 哪个更容易毕业,就业率高? 另外请问,旅游专业毕业后薪金水平如何,好找工作不? 非常感谢!
回复: 请问关于旅游专业哪个college比较好?If you believe China goverment will finally agree with Canada about Chinese traveling to Canada despite Tibet issue in the future, you choose booming market.
回复: 请问关于旅游专业哪个college比较好?楼上说的虽然不搭呷,但是很有道理。我赞同!
跌宕的命运,总是令人兴奋,令人绝望。 ――alexcc 杨小壮回复: 请问关于旅游专业哪个college比较好?alex 正解~~
回复: 请问关于旅游专业哪个college比较好?上他们的网站查.GB自称"We're the largest and most diversified hospitality, tourism, and culinary school in Canada......"申请专业的时候可以在查到各个学校的就业率
www.anti-cctv.com谁痴谁苦If you believe China goverment will finally agree with Canada about Chinese traveling to Canada despite Tibet issue in the future, you choose booming market.点击展开...Finally the ADS was issued between China and Canada gov in 2010, and I believe there will be opportunities for us to work in tourism and hospitality industry in the near future. And is there any good college or university which provide such courses in Montreal? Thanks la~~
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