加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息小词大作:way单词研究


Way是我们学英语最简单的单词之一,最简单的词往往是最有用的词,也往往是需要费时去留意的词。Way除了“路”之意外,还有很多其他引申的意思。这里收录了way的上百个常用搭配、习惯用法,以及与way关联的同义词。每次30句。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 1. Where there's a will, there is a way有志者事竟成。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 2. That is just the way it is. 事情本来就是这样。Just表示强调,没有也行:That is the way it is. I wish it was a different way, but that is the way it is. 我也希望这能有不同的结局,但是局面却只能是这样。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 3. Go your own way! 干你自己的活吧!Do it your own way. 走你自己的路![FONT=宋体][/FONT] 4. This is not the way we want to be. 这不是我们想要看见的结果。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 5. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. 原本不该这样。原来计划不是这样的。(一项事的结果不如意时的说法)[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 6. My mom always cooks the way I like. 我母亲做的饭菜最合我口味。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 7. He worked his way up to director. 他一路奋斗,做到了主任的位置。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 8. He made it all the way to the White House. 他成功登上了总统宝座。Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle all the way. 叮叮当,叮叮当,一路铃儿响。I ran all the way to my house without stopping. 我一口气跑到家。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 9. He made its way through tough stretch. 他历尽艰难终于成功。This has been a rough stretch for him. He's got to work his way through it. 这对他来说是相当艰巨的挑战,他得努力来面对。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 10. After being involved in a horrific fall last year, that could have easily ended his promising career, Matthew was back in a big way at the stadium last night. 去年他摔伤得很惨,几乎毁了他的大好前程,昨晚他在体育馆又以非凡的成绩回到了赛场。in a big way, 非凡地。 11. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. 想要赢得男人的心,先赢得他的胃。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 12. This will put you on a one-way path to isolation. 这会让你走向永久的孤立。a one-way path, 单行道,没有回路。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 13. one-way ticket 单程票,一去不复返Without you, I don’t mind a one way ticket to a lonely life. 没有你,我就是打一辈子光棍也无悔。One way ticket can take me anywhere. North bound south bound I don't even care. I know the grass is greener there. 一张单程票,我便漂流四方,不管东南西北,我知道,前程总会斑斓。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 14. They glanced her way. 他们朝她望去。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 15. You need to develop yourself to the maximum of your potential in all ways. 你应该全力以赴来讲自己的潜力全部挖掘出来。in all ways, 全方位,各个方面。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 16. By the way, this task is no bed of roses. 顺便说一下,这项工作可不容易呀!bed of roses, 甜蜜,烂漫,生活舒适。Their marriage is a bed of roses. 他们的婚姻很美满。与bed of roses相反的表达法是a bed of nails, 充满艰辛。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 17. I could take the easy way out and say I’m a professor of English and do this sort of thing for a living. 我完全可以很容易解脱,例如,当名英文教授来养家糊口。There is no easy way out. 找不到容易的解决方案。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 18. Easy way or hard way? 想简单的方法还是想复杂的办法?想用容易的办法还是难的办法?[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 19. There is no easy way to start this conversation. 实在不知道要如何开始这次的谈话。 20. There is no easy way out. 没有什么捷径可走。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 小词大作:way单词研究21. Love will find a way. 有情人终成眷属。 22. Come this way. Pay your bill the fast and easy way. 来这边,这里缴费简单快捷。There is no quick and easy way to learn English.学英语没有什么简单快捷的方法。 23. Think up ways of solving these problems.动动脑,想些法子解决这些问题。 24. Science leads the way. 科学开路。 25. In a way与 stand in the way的区别in a way从某种程度上来讲,In a way, he indeed has a point. 在某种程度上讲,他的确有些道理。in the way 拦路,碍事I don't want to be in the way or in your way我不想拦你的路。 26. out of the way 不拦路。 I try to get myself out of the way as quickly as possible. 我会尽快地不去妨碍你。 27. That is your way of thinking. 那是你的思路。那是你的想法。 28. Is there any other way than the traditional way to learn English?除了传统方法,还有其他好的办法可以学英语? 29. We can say nothing to you one way or the other. 我们只能对你守口如瓶。 30. I had no home, no money, and I didn't know which way to turn. 我身无一文,无家可归,真的是一筹莫展。 31. There's more than one way to skin a cat. There are more ways of killing a cat than choking it with cream[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 32. Pave the way 铺平道路It paved the way for a series of changes that transformed Chinese society. 这为一些列措施铺平了道路,中国社会由此得以改观。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 33. This issue cuts two ways.这个问题可以从两个不同的角度来解释。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 34. Way to go! 干得好!这话也可能是反话,讽刺话。如果有一个人把事搞砸了,你可以说: "Way to go, genius!" 干得不错呀,天才!不是讽刺的意思:When Kelly scores a goal, we yell, "Way to go, man!" Kelly每次进球,我们就大喊,“太好了!” 35. What a way to go! 这个办法太漂亮了!你真的好厉害! 36. Our grandmothers who demanded the vote cleared the way for today's women to become politicians, professionals, and judges. 我们的祖母辈奋斗争取到了选举权,为当今妇女能成为政治家,专家和法官铺平了道路。 37. Po, a panda, is a big fan of Kung Fu but not very adept in its ways. 功夫熊猫最爱功夫,但是功夫却差得远了。 38. The boy yells and screams because he wants to get his (own) way.这孩子为了能得逞在那里大喊大叫。 39. I am sorry my busy life has slowed down on my letters your way. 对不起,最近太忙,给你的信越来越少了。 40. If you make way for me, I will do it. 如果你给我帮忙,我就干。He resigned to make way for a younger man. 他辞职是为了给年轻人提供方便。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 小词大作:way单词研究41. Don't meet troubles half-way 42. That is a new way of looking at this matter. 这是新的视角来看这事件。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 43. to reply in a polite/ rude way, 有礼貌/粗鲁地回答。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 44. This way, please. 请这边走。Look this way. 看这边。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 45. We're having a drought out our way. 我们正面临一场干旱。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 46. I am trying to plow my way through Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 47. I have learned that I cannot always get my way. I have to accept everything. 我学到的功课是,我并不可能随心所欲,我得接受周围的一切。If I can get my way, I would not do it. 如果能采纳我的想法,我就不会去做了。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 48. My way or the highway. 要不然照我的方法,要不然另请高就。这句话相当于:You have to do it my way. 49. Please try to see it my way. 请从我的角度来看这事。This is the best camera that has ever come in my way. 这是我一生中见到过的最好的照相机。A bit of good fortune came my way. 我发了一小笔横财。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 50. Get out of my way. 让开! 51. Those who get lost on the way to school will never find their way through life. 52. At our School, we deal with things at the right time, the right place, and the right way. 在我们学校,我们行事原则是:正确的时间、正确的地点以及正确的方式。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 53. The cat found her way into the box. 这只猫钻进了这个盒子。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 54. an out-of-the-way place 偏僻的地方,or: a far-flung place, 野外,偏僻的地方。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 55. Somewhere along the way, I was introduced to Mr. Yang, a dedicated human rights attorney. 56. A government-backed company is threatening to have the Wang’s property condemned if it doesn't make way for its development. 一家有政府做后台的公司威胁王家,如果不给这公司的项目让路的话,就没收他家的房产。make way for 让路,condemned, 没收。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 57. It is giving way to the construction. 为了施工,这事就得摆一摆了。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 58. He said that money would just click its way into my money account if I would follow his bogus advice. 他说,如果我按他歪主意去做的话,钱就会源源不断地流进我的帐户。[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 59. Or is it the other way around? 还有没有其他可行的办法?[FONT=宋体][/FONT] 60. We're here to serve you in every way that we can. 我们在此就是要尽全力来为你服务。

三千日夜吟愁赋,一亿白发尽满头。梦入枫林遍芳丛,觉来惆怅恨无数。 [[FONT=宋体]加拿大,请在不远的地方等我http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=263009][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]起程-[FONT=宋体]献给[/FONT]91[FONT=宋体]旧政和[/FONT][FONT=宋体]新政的同路人[/FONT]][/FONT] [[FONT=宋体]一个等待移民者的内心独白http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=255315[FONT=宋体]][/FONT][/FONT]回复: 小词大作:way单词研究61. There's more than one way to skin a cat. There are more ways of killing a cat than choking it with cream62. Pave the way铺平道路 It paved the way for a series of changes that transformed Chinese society.这为一些列措施铺平了道路,中国社会由此得以改观。63.This issue cuts two ways. 这个问题可以从两个不同的角度来解释。64. Way to go! 干得好!这话也可能是反话,讽刺话。如果有一个人把事搞砸了,你可以说: "[FONT='Calibri','sans-serif']Way to go[/font], genius!" 干得不错呀,天才!不是讽刺的意思:When Kelly scores a goal, we yell, "Way to go, man!" Kelly每次进球,我们就大喊,“太好了!”65. What a way to go! 这个办法太漂亮了!你真的好厉害!66. Our grandmothers who demanded the vote cleared the way for today's women to become politicians, professionals, and judges. 我们的祖母辈奋斗争取到了选举权,为当今妇女能成为政治家,专家和法官铺平了道路。。67. Po, a panda, is a big fan of Kung Fu but not very adept in its ways. 功夫熊猫最爱功夫,但是功夫却差得远了。68. The boy yells and screams because he wants to get his (own) way.这孩子为了能得逞在那里大喊大叫。69. I am sorry my busy life has slowed down on my letters your way. 对不起,最近太忙,给你的信越来越少了。70. If you make way for me, I will do it. 如果你给我帮忙,我就干。He resigned to make way for a younger man. 他辞职是为了给年轻人提供方便。 71. Don't meet troubles half-way72. That is a new way of looking at this matter. 这是新的视角来看这事件。73. to reply in a polite/ rude way, 有礼貌/粗鲁地回答。74. This way, please. 请这边走。Look this way. 看这边。75. We're having a drought out our way. 我们正面临一场干旱。76. I am trying to plow my way through Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.77. I have learned that I cannot always get my way. I have to accept everything. 我学到的功课是,我并不可能随心所欲,我得接受周围的一切。If I can get my way, I would not do it. 如果能采纳我的想法,我就不会去做了。78. My way or the highway. 要不然照我的方法,要不然另请高就。这句话相当于:You have to do it my way.79. Please try to see it my way. 请从我的角度来看这事。This is the best camera that has ever come in my way. 这是我一生中见到过的最好的照相机。A bit of good fortune came my way. 我发了一小笔横财。80. Get out of my way. 让开! 81. Those who get lost on the way to school will never find their way through life.82. At our School, we deal with things at the right time, the right place, and the right way. 在我们学校,我们行事原则是:正确的时间、正确的地点以及正确的方式。83. The cat found her way into the box. 这只猫钻进了这个盒子。84. an out-of-the-way place 偏僻的地方,or: a far-flung place, 野外,偏僻的地方。85. Somewhere along the way, I was introduced to Mr. Yang, a dedicated human rights attorney.86. A government-backed company is threatening to have the Wang’s property condemned if it doesn't make way for its development. 一家有政府做后台的公司威胁王家,如果不给这公司的项目让路的话,就没收他家的房产。make way for 让路,condemned, 没收。87. It is giving way to the construction. 为了施工,这事就得摆一摆了。88. He said that money would just click its way into my money account if I would follow his bogus advice. 他说,如果我按他歪主意去做的话,钱就会源源不断地流进我的帐户。89. Or is it the other way around? 还有没有其他可行的办法?90. We're here to serve you in every way that we can. 我们在此就是要尽全力来为你服务。

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