加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息CAEL 哈利法克斯考试中心考试时间
Nova AcademyContact PersonShawn Shao Email<A href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected] takers are to contact Nova Academy only for last-minute inquiries or in the case of an emergency on the day of an Assessment. Test Centre addressSpring Garden RoadSuite 67 & 309Halifax, NS B3J 1H6Directions: By public transit - Bus: #1, 14, 10, 80, 81 or 82Cost$185.00 CADRegistrationGo to the online registration page.https://cael.ca/cgi-bin/cael_cgi/registration/registration_form.plUpcoming test datesTest DateRegistration Deadline 4:00 p.m. ESTAugust 21, 2010August 11, 2010September 18, 2010September 8, 2010October 23, 2010October 13, 2010November 13, 2010November 3, 2010December 4, 2010November 24, 2010Test takers: Nova Academy limits its test administrations to a maximum of 8 people. Registration for all test dates may close early. We encourage you to register early.学生可以在官方网站www.cael.ca 上直接报名,或者在我校考点报名。www.rcetgroup.com
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