加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息“尊严”的两个常见用法
句子:我们的目标是让人民生活得更加幸福,更有尊严。 误译:We are aimed at letting people to live more happily and with more dignity. 正译:We are aimed at letting people live more happily and with more dignity. 解释:英语表示“让某人做某事”,要用 to let sb do sth 结构。to let 后跟“名词/代词 + 不定式”组成的复合宾语,其中不定式 do sth 前面要省去 to。 “尊严”的第一个意思是“可尊敬的或不容侵犯的身份、地位或人格”。英语可以译为dignity。例如: 1. 中国积贫积弱、受尽屈辱、没有外交尊严的时代一去不复返了。The days are gone forever when China was poor, weak, humiliated and with no diplomatic dignity. 2. 这位社会学家认为像克隆一类的生殖技术容易触犯人的尊严。The sociologist holds that reproductive technologies such as cloning are prone to violate human dignity. 3. 作为人,我们有权维护我们的尊严。As human beings, we are entitled to preserve our dignity. 4. 我们必须坚决捍卫国家独立、主权和尊严。We must resolutely safeguard our national independence, sovereignty and dignity. “尊严”的第二个意思是“庄重肃穆,尊贵威严”,为形容词。英语可以译为 dignified。例如: 5. 这本书记录了一位简朴而尊严的老学者的生平和工作。The book records the life and work of a simple yet dignified old scholar. 6. 这座佛像十分尊严。The statue of Buddha looks very dignified. 7. 他登上尊严的讲台,开始讲演。He rose to the dignified platform and began to make a speech.
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