加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息・・・・・电影制作》哪个COLLEGE有 感激不尽啊
朋友们 请问多伦多哪个公立COLLEGE有电影制作这个专业 并且 可以将来修GPA 到UNIVERSITY 的? 谢谢 我看多伦多倒是有电影制作的学校好像是私立 那这种学校毕业后 给什么文凭 跟百年或者HUMBER 等一样吗 对移民有影响吗 下面是SENECA在电影专业的 我感觉更多是属于电影后期电脑特效 我倒是不想学剧本 因为我英语文学没那么厉害 , 我比较想学声音 色彩啊 制作中期那些 。 大家给推荐几所学校吧 感激不尽啊 Program DescriptionThis program is designed to introduce students to the various techniques used to create visual effects for film and television. The focus of the course is to explore the software tools used to create visual effects and issues involved in combining these effects with live action footage. The student’s final projects will be used to create a finished portfolio. Software taught in this course includes The Foundry's Nuke compositing program and Autodesk's Maya 3D package. Programs are normally offered twice
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