加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教一个关于学生贷款的问题?



回复: 请教一个关于学生贷款的问题?自己顶一下,怎么没有人?

回复: 请教一个关于学生贷款的问题?你说的这些条件都会影响到贷款的数额。但是你要知道一点,学生贷款是要给利息的,所以通常很容易批给你,计算基数也是按不错的生活标准来的。如果你真的是没有学生贷款就完成不了学业,如实填写你的实际收入、存款情况,按照你说的,老婆没有上班,还有两个小孩子,你肯定能拿到贷款的,应该还不会太少。如果你原本有很多存款,足够完成学业,也不见得非要申请这个,第一你总归要付利息,第二,你如果隐瞒存款,拿到了学生贷款,因为背负贷款了,回头再想贷款买车买房一定影响你的可贷额度

回复: 请教一个关于学生贷款的问题?如果在安省 http://dc-uoit.ca/EN/main/financialaid/133951.html OSAP Frequently Asked Questions 1. What does OSAP stand for? The Ontario Student Assistance Program.2. How does OSAP work? OSAP is an integrated student loan made up of both federal and provincial funding to assist students in paying for their post-secondary education. Students requiring financial aid should apply online for OSAP assistance at: http://osap.gov.on.ca OSAP will then compare the student's educational costs against their available resources to determine their eligibility for funding.3. Can anyone get OSAP? Everyone can apply for OSAP, but not everyone is eligible for OSAP. OSAP funding is determined based on a comparison of your financial resources and the cost of your post-secondary education.4. Is there a fee to apply for OSAP? There is no fee for students who choose to apply electronically at: http://osap.gov.on.ca/ Students who choose to print the application and apply on paper, will be required to pay a $10.00 processing fee.5. Where do I apply for OSAP? Students can apply for OSAP by visiting the OSAP website at: http://osap.gov.on.ca/ Although students may choose to apply on paper, the on-line application is processed much quicker.6. Is there a deadline to apply for OSAP? The deadline for OSAP application is 90 days prior to the end of your academic year. For first time applicants starting school in September, we recommend that you apply by June to ensure that your OSAP entitlement is ready for you to pick up when you start school in September.7. I don't have a summer job - will this mean that I get more OSAP? OSAP assumes that students will work full-time over the summer months. As a result they will automatically add in an expected pre-study income contribution from this period. It is suggested that you keep track of your active job search during the summer - this will allow you to have records of your job search should you not obtain full-time employment over the summer. If this is the case, you may be able to appeal the expected income contribution. In addition, if there are extenuating circumstances that prevent you from working full-time, you may also have grounds for an appeal on the expected contribution. 8. I don't live with my parents, how will this affect my OSAP? If you are a student living away from home during the school year, and your home is more than 40 kilometers from your post secondary institution, OSAP will assess your application using a living away from home allowance including food and shelter. If your parents live within 40 kilometers of your institution, your assessment will be based on an at home living allowance, which does not include food and shelter. There are appeals available for students with extenuating circumstances who must live outside the family home. 9. Do I have to include the value of my car? Vehicle information must be included with your OSAP application. OSAP uses the "blue book" value to determine the value of your car. You are allowed to own a vehicle valued at up to $5,000.00 without it affecting your OSAP funding. Any value above $5,000.00 will be considered as an asset in your OSAP assessment. Certain situations allow for an appeal of this amount.10. If I don't get the amount that I expect from OSAP, can I appeal? OSAP does have an appeal process. If you are interested in learning more about the appeal process we recommend that you contact our Financial Aid + Awards Office for an appointment. Appeals are individually assessed after you receive your Final Assessment - your OSAP funding may be re-evaluated based on your personal situation.11. Is there a maximum amount of OSAP that I can receive in one year? OSAP funds single students to a maximum of $350 per week. Sole support parents or married students may receive a maximum of $575 per week in OSAP funding. For a 34 week school year a single student could receive a maximum of $11,900 in OSAP funding. A married or sole support parent could receive a maximum of $19,550 in OSAP funding. OSAP bases the assessment on the student's assumed resources less their educational costs. Not all students receive the maximum funding amount.12. Do I have to pay my OSAP back? OSAP is a loan that you do need to pay back. However, many students are eligible for a variety of grants, bursaries and scholarships available through the OSAP program that may reduce the amount of repayable loan. Under the Check Status section of your OSAP account, you can review your funding details, which will outline your loan and/or grant amounts.13. What if I am having trouble paying back my loans? If you are temporarily unable to repay your loans because of low income or unemployment, you should contact the National Student Loan Service Centre to discuss your eligibility for programs to assist you. You can call the NSLSC toll free at 1-888-815-4514.

回复: 请教一个关于学生贷款的问题?你说的这些条件都会影响到贷款的数额。但是你要知道一点,学生贷款是要给利息的,所以通常很容易批给你,计算基数也是按不错的生活标准来的。如果你真的是没有学生贷款就完成不了学业,如实填写你的实际收入、存款情况,按照你说的,老婆没有上班,还有两个小孩子,你肯定能拿到贷款的,应该还不会太少。如果你原本有很多存款,足够完成学业,也不见得非要申请这个,第一你总归要付利息,第二,你如果隐瞒存款,拿到了学生贷款,因为背负贷款了,回头再想贷款买车买房一定影响你的可贷额度点击展开...不知道你有没有带过款,我是正在使用着呢,有经验可以交流一下。我和LZ挺像,不过我是3个孩子,来加后0收入,银行存款很少,老婆在家带孩子,我上学,我的这个条件带到的款基本就是能带到的最多的数了。打个比方,如果能批给你4万一年,不是说等你毕业6个月后要开始按这个数加上利息还,而是最多每年还7300左右,注意,在你上学到毕业后6个月这期间是没有任何利息的,包括那7300要还得部分。也就是说,如果你上3年学每年4万,3年12万的支配使用,到毕业后6个月开始还,只用还7300x3=21900,你实际得到了10万多有的政府拨款。还有一个影响因素,就是你的收入,我上面的说法是基于你这3年没有任何收入的情况,如果你每年还有打工什么的上报收入(现金工不用报,当然就不算收入了,呵呵,除非这个你也报收入),那么政府会根据你的收入增加你的还款额。好像是有个比率是80%。也就是说,超过某个额度,比如说1万,多出的部分按80%增加你的还款额,例如你当年的收入是15000,你要多换4000给政府。这个具体的基数和比例我只是打比方。我没经验,因为我没打工没收入,就靠贷款和牛奶金了,好好学习天天向上了。政府给那么多,还打什么工,到头来是为政府打工了,呵呵。而且如果平均成绩不到B,下年就不给你贷款了。当然,是不可能得到4万的拨款的。最高的贷款额好像是25000左右。你有两个孩子,加上牛奶金,应该不用打工了。买车会影响你的贷款的,那个算是资产。连RESP都会影响的,我问过我可以不可以交RESP给我的3个孩子,回答说是会影响贷款的。贷款是给你上学生活用的,不是给你投资用的。不过好像买了2000一下的车不会有影响。这个我没经验,最好问你的学校。给你评估了一下,你如果没有任何收入,2个孩子,老婆在家,你的贷款额为19489/年,要还得部分是7300。加上牛奶金800多每月,恭喜你,你可以安心学习了。感谢政府感谢党吧(加拿大的,呵呵)。和我同班来留学的小弟小妹们,学费是我的4倍。哎,英语又不那么好,挺...如果2个人都上学,还能更多,我孩子太小,等1,2岁了申请daycare subsidy(3个孩子一个月要好几千).她也去上学。其实算上daycare,这种不工作都上学的生活,比月收入5000左右的要好的多,呵呵。祝你好运。这是自我评估的链接https://osapold.gov.on.ca/cgi-bin/lansaweb?procfun+awprocmain+d06main+osp+eng

家有悟空龙凤小龙女回复: 请教一个关于学生贷款的问题?谢谢各位热心人的回复,心里有底了,再次表示感谢!

回复: 请教一个关于学生贷款的问题?请问: 驯日使者 "如果平均成绩不到B,下年就不给你贷款了。" 这一条是哪里说的?

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