加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息加拿大华商社区(mBig) -- 创业沙龙春节午餐会
加拿大人的收入状况统计加拿大人的收入状况统计: http://www.mbig.ca/论坛/tabid/53/ptid/376/threadid/2219/forumtype/posts/Default.aspx
信用卡常见问题信用卡常见问题 http://www.mbig.ca/论坛/tabid/53/ptid/376/threadid/2265/forumtype/posts/Default.aspx
回复: 信用卡常见问题最近想申请个信用卡~ 皇家银行的teller告诉我,有一款学生型的信用卡,很适合我,没有年费,没有任何附带条件,就可以拥有一张皇家银行的信用卡,每花一刀就积一分,还可以同时买保险之类的,利息好像是百分之18点几,忘了。 大家还有没有什么好建议?
图片解释:勇。 *一个人de旅行*回复: 信用卡常见问题关注
平凡的人,目前有两个愿望,希望都能很快的实现.支持的朋友别忘了给偶加分分,谢谢~!~!回复: 加拿大人的收入状况统计看完
平凡的人,目前有两个愿望,希望都能很快的实现.支持的朋友别忘了给偶加分分,谢谢~!~! 赏 2008-01-29#6 3 $0.00 加拿大华商社区(mBig) -- 创业沙龙春节午餐会组织者:加拿大华商社区 www.mbig.ca 美食俱乐部、枫华外汇内容:这次活动旨在给正在或准备创业的朋友提供一次建立商业网络、互通信息,相互取经的机会。每个参加者进行自我介绍,部分成员进行生意,投资信息发布;资深经商者经验简介和问答。费用:每人10元。时间:2008年2月3日星期天1:00 - 3:00 pm 。地点:双福楼325 Bamburgh Circle, Scarborough, M1W 3Y1(Warden/Steeles东南角,百宝商场内,丰华超市附近。)地图: http://ca.maps.yahoo.com/maps_result...1W+3Y1&v3to4=0报名:416-888-8923 [email protected]提醒:1、为统计人数(上限为30人),报名者请尽量守时(2月3日, 星期天, 1:00PM 开始)参加。多谢合作!2、请参加者将自己愿意交流的信息,E-mail至[email protected],我们将汇集成页,于聚会时发给大家。3、mBig创业沙龙午餐会每2-3月举办一次(频率是视需求而调整)。4、此次午餐会菜单(十道菜): 酸菜白肉锅,豆瓣鱼,椒盐里脊,宫保鸡丁,糖醋鱼片,五彩拉皮,麻婆豆腐,凉瓜炒蛋,炝拌土豆丝,金钩扒绍菜。mBig创业沙龙与美食俱乐部的合作将使您在建立生意网络的同时享受美食。
回复: 加拿大华商社区(mBig) -- 创业沙龙春节午餐会孩子怎么收费?
回复: 加拿大华商社区(mBig) -- 创业沙龙春节午餐会本来我想去,看见这么传统的菜牌,真的不想去了。哪里是创业沙龙,简直是单位春节聚餐。到底是去吃还是去谈啊?塞着一嘴的宫保鸡丁还谈创业?呜呼~~
回复: 加拿大华商社区(mBig) -- 创业沙龙春节午餐会认识一些当地的华商,讨教一些经验也是好的。
回复: 加拿大华商社区(mBig) -- 创业沙龙春节午餐会这个创业沙龙还在活动吗?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 加拿大华商社区(mBig) -- 创业沙龙春节午餐会考虑到MBIG成员对加拿大宠物店经营和买卖知识了解的需要.MBIG决定进行讲解活动.店主将详细介绍自己在加拿大经营宠物店经营和买卖的过程和体会.收费 $10/人.Date: Sunday, Oct. 29, 2006 Time: 2 4 pmLocation: CPAC Office, 4168 Finch Ave. E. Suite PH 30To register, please email to [email protected] with ‘entrepreneur’ in the subject line.The Fundamentals of an Entrepreneur It is relatively easy to start up a business but running it successfully is anything but easy. For an entrepreneur, there are essential skills that are key to a successful business venture. Through her own business in the pet industry, Ms. Sharon Li will share her insights on what skills and knowledge you need to have in order to run a successful business in the industry. Language/Communications Skills Knowledge of the profession & industry Understanding the Culture Compassion (passion or enthusiasm?) Physical requirement (relating to health?) Sharon is a co-owner of a PVCI franchisee store. Meanwhile she works at the Viral Load Lab of the Hospital for Sick Children. Prior to that, she was with the Department of Microbiology, University of Toronto. She received her doctorate degree from the Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China Date: Sunday, Oct. 29, 2006Time: 2 4 pmLocation: CPAC Office, 4168 Finch Ave. E. Suite PH 30To register, please email to [email protected] with ‘entrepreneur’ in the subject line.
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