加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有人了解语言治疗这个专业吗



回复: 有人了解语言治疗这个专业吗如果你说的是speech language pathologist的话,加拿大只有8所学校有这种DEGREE,而且好像有1,2所是法语。多数是女生念,据我所知,竞争蛮激烈的,而且需要有本科相应的预备课。至于你想知道好不好找工作,随便GOOGLE一下都有FUTURE CAREER 的趋势。不过看起来有些行货,我工作3年,至今好像看过有3-5份工作的POSTING出现过。不过大省可能会多一点点。原因是都是女生当道,一旦安顿了谁也不轻易走。Future Outlook: Speech-Language Pathology Excellent job opportunities in speech-language pathology is expected to continue for the next eight years. The expanding population in older age groups is prone to medical conditions that result in speech, language and swallowing problems. Medical advances are also improving the survival rate of premature infants and trauma and stroke victims, who then need assessment and possible treatment. An increased emphasis has been placed on early identification of speech and language problems in young children. The combination of growth in the profession and an expected increase in retirements over the coming years should create excellent job opportunities for speech-language pathologists. In addition, many opportunities exists for those with the ability to speak a second language. Employment in educational services will increase along with growth in elementary and secondary school enrollments, including enrollment of special education students. Federal law guarantees special education and related services to all eligible children with disabilities. Greater awareness of the importance of early identification and diagnosis of speech, language, and swallowing disorders will also increase employment. The number of speech-language pathologists in private practice will rise due to the increasing use of contract services by hospitals, schools, and nursing care facilities. Read "Professions on Fast Track for Growth," an online article from The ASHA Leader. The more flexible you can be in your job hunt, the greater your chances of success. There is no doubt that your services are needed. Begin exploring new niches in the job market. Trends suggest that an increasing amount of work will be available in school-based, bilingual, private-practice, and corporate settings. You can improve your chances in the job market by knowing your skills and level of competence, and by being aware of the specific services that you are trained to provide. Visit the ASHA Web site: ASHA Scopes of Practice in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology and the ASHA Code of Ethics, policy documents that govern the practice of the profession. Web research can help you find out more about market trends. Check out U.S. News & World Report for Best Careers of 2009. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Edition , Audiologists. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Edition , Speech-Language Pathologists.

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