加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息问一下新斯科舍省对留学生的移民政策是什么样



回复: 问一下新斯科舍省对留学生的移民政策是什么样的?To be eligible to apply to the International Graduate stream, the International Graduate must:have graduated within the last three years from a program of at least one academic year of full-time study in Canada and have received a certificate, diploma, or degree from a provincially-recognized post-secondary institution in Canadahave legal status in Canada on a temporary work permithave a permanent, full-time job offer from an employer in Nova Scotia in his/her field of study and at an acceptable level and have been working full-time in that position for at least three months. The job offer must:be for a position which meets Nova Scotia Nominee Program requirements with respect to type and skill level;have compensation in the form of salary and benefits package that meets provincial employment standards and prevailing wage rates. Priority will be awarded to positions with minimum salary in excess of $10.00/hour or a minimum annual wage in excess of $20,000 Canadian dollars;have compensation which is sufficient to retain the worker in Nova Scotia;not contravene existing bargaining unit agreements;have the qualifications, training, skills, and accreditation required for the job or a suitable plan to obtain the necessary training and skills;can demonstrate intention and ability to settle permanently in Nova Scotia;have sufficient settlement supports;meet the minimum criteria for age, education and language ability for this stream (as specified in the application guide).

正因成功并非易事,所以梦想才如此闪耀...回复: 问一下新斯科舍省对留学生的移民政策是什么样的?新斯科舍省政府网站:http://novascotiaimmigration.com/international-graduate-stream

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