加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Full-time, Technical Support Analyst,$33,791 - $39,049


We are currently seeking applicants for a regular 1.0 FTE Technical Support Analyst position with Information Systems Services. This position is responsible for ensuring the ongoing functioning of information technology operations, providing support to end-users and assisting in development activities for the Centre. Key Responsibilities:・ Performs routine operating procedures such as information security protection, user access, back-up and networking;・ Identifies potential problems; analyses cause of problems; applies solutions regarding technical or end-user issues. ・ Investigates applicable solutions through all available internal and external resources; and provides detailed documentation on all aspects of system performance and troubleshooting actions.・ Installs/removes components such as cables and computers; delivers/relocates hardware and peripherals; performs preventive maintenance such as printer cleaning; diagnoses hardware conflicts; tests hardware performances.・ Provides detailed documentation on hardware specifications; safeguards and stocks components; and updates ISS inventory records.・ Provides one-on-one or group training and consultation to Centre personnel regarding hardware and software usage, processing methods, problem solutions, through written and verbal instructions.・ Maintains ISS filing system; safeguards software storage; documents installation actions and user access assignments; and updates Centre software inventory records.・ Identifies opportunities to improve quality of system performance and services.・ Makes recommendations for improvements and acquisitions consistent with the needs and resources of the Centre. Qualifications:・ Minimum of High School education with additional coursework in networking and computer operating systems.・ One year previous-related experience in computing operations and computer equipment and usage・ Working knowledge of PC and network products and user-support is essential.・ Strong analytical and problem-solving skills are required.・ High accuracy and attention to detail when following procedures・ Facility for clear instructional and problem documentation・ Well-developed oral and written communication skills. ・ Demonstrated social and multicultural sensitivity.・ Ability to travel to alternate locations. Application Closing Date: December 7, 2010 Hincks-Dellcrest offers a competitive salary. Please mail, fax or e-mail your résumé and educational qualifications quoting position title and number by the closing date to: Human ResourcesThe Hincks-Dellcrest Centre1645 Sheppard Avenue West - North York, ON M3M 2X4Fax No. (416) 633-7141 - e-mail: hrrecruiting@hincksdellcrest.org We appreciate your interest; however only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. THE HINCKS-DELLCREST CENTRE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER

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