加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请问:机修工 Industrial mechanic / millwright 有多累?


本人学机械的,想过去试试机修工的工作,担心体力上不能胜任。millwright 工作强度有多大?经常搬重东西吗?请知情人回答一下,先谢过了!

回复: 请问:机修工 Industrial mechanic / millwright 有多累?...

回复: 请问:机修工 Industrial mechanic / millwright 有多累?谢谢回答还有,millwright的证书恐怕不太好考。没证的话就只有在小公司干了,强度高而且不稳定。这样过来图个啥呢?点击展开...

回复: 请问:机修工 Industrial mechanic / millwright 有多累?谢谢2quarters的答复,我这几天打算每天连续站8个小时,试试强度。国内确实月薪不足4000。

回复: 请问:机修工 Industrial mechanic / millwright 有多累?那就是说:每天可以少站1小时了?磨“洋”工,这个学问,还真要向“洋人”学习,,您够较真!其实上下午各有15分钟休息,中午有半小时吃饭。关键要向老外学习怎么磨洋工,这个学问大。点击展开...

回复: 请问:机修工 Industrial mechanic / millwright 有多累?...

回复: 请问:机修工 Industrial mechanic / millwright 有多累?谢谢回答啊。 college也分档次,麻省理工也是college。 trades是技工,就是以前国企分级的钳工,电工,钣金一类的。我们通常说的技术员这里叫technologist, 就是以前国企的技术员,助工。technician基本归类于技工,低一个级别。 一般这里college是trades和technologist都培养,不过通常只有省立的理工学院才有合资格的技术员program。大多数小college都是培养技工的。 中国的很多做现场工作的工程师在加拿大只能叫technologist,澳洲,英国也是这样。美国倒是和中国接近。 读书的话,同一个学校trades专业的数学,英语入学要求都比technologist低,学时也在一年以内。点击展开...

回复: 请问:机修工 Industrial mechanic / millwright 有多累?

回复: 请问:机修工 Industrial mechanic / millwright 有多累?Hi lili_mao, thank you for your suggestions. Acturally, I did it before you tell me. Thank you anyway. I saw more millwright positions than other trades. So I think millwright may be a good choice. However, I am much concerned about the physical requirement of millwright becasue I am not strong. if you wanna get the specific working status millwright would like, there's one way could work that out, go check "jobbank website" and type in "millwright" as keyword for job position searching, then unfold some listed info. which you prefer, now, there you go. i put a random piece of recuiting ad down here:Job Number: 5437641Title: Industrial mechanic and millwright (Electro-Mechanic) (NOC: 7311) Terms of Employment: Permanent, Full Time, On Call, Day, EveningSalary: $20.00 to $24.00 Hourly for 40 hours per week, Other BenefitsAnticipated Start Date: As soon as possibleLocation: Ottawa, Ontario (1 vacancy) Skill Requirements: Weight Handling: Up to 23 kg (50 lbs)点击展开...Oh, my god!It surprises me really!Obviously, I was too careless to miss such important information of weight handling.

回复: 请问:机修工 Industrial mechanic / millwright 有多累?if you'd like to tracing trades career threads, how long have you been in post-secoundary education isn't what employers really care about, they hire qualified people and most of those kind of qualifications coming from job applicants' former working experience, vocational training and exam just act an role which lead you to the door of the different career phase. how is your pay from the job isn't up to whichever your entitled with "technologist" or "technician" or"Engineer". how much could people earn? who do you work for and what kind of position do you fill in are decisive.点击展开...This is a very good point. I could not agree with you more.

回复: 请问:机修工 Industrial mechanic / millwright 有多累?谢谢2quarters 楼主没必要纠结于体力问题,除非你个头实在太小。老外平均来说力气是大些,不过那差距也没到能影响工作的地步。又不是大力士比赛。你需要费很大劲的,他们也不会很轻松。我和各种老外工作多年,这种比较还是有的。 50磅偶尔一次应该不是什么问题吧?我看到有招labor写frequently 100lbs的,这种才是真的算了。 lili mao的意见也有道理。不过楼主也不算年轻了,以前也不是干这个的。那这跨出来的第一步就很重要了。读书能让你的起点高一些的可能性大大增加。 蓝色那句话我觉得在一个地方干上10年8年的可以这样说。新移民这样想问题有些不着调。点击展开...

回复: 请问:机修工 Industrial mechanic / millwright 有多累?.....

回复: 请问:机修工 Industrial mechanic / millwright 有多累?Thank you for your suggestion of coop program studying. English skills are so crucial to me that I must take much time to improve them, especially speaking and listening. If I can not improve English greatly, I would not meet the admission requirements of college, let alone acquiring a working opportunity. Therefore, English is really a big deal. Physical demanding is really a issue for millwright at your age.Though, mechanical area is rather wider road for aspiring guys.Per trades category, some occupations, such as instrument technician, mechanic, operator, industrial electrician, pipe fitter, QC personnel, inspectors……… They’re all in some needs in job employment market right now. You could get to them either by vocational training or college education. Each way has its own cons and pros.Some coop programs may credit you with more work experience.Hot programs have always been in high competition. English skills issue presents all the way.Even newly college graduates, giving all of them found job, their earning has been classified by different employers, I refer to industrial mechanical fields, and their on-campus class teaching focuses on hand-on practicing instead of pure theoretical instilling. By the time of authentic work, the employers take them as the workforce with somewhat work experience. No one is willing to risk hiring the person with zero practice. So, by any means, building certain Canadian occupational experience is a common sense way. As to working for small business owned by a Chinese boss, I got nothing to say…………点击展开...

  ·生活百科 我被骗了,对吗? (水管工/热水器。)
·生活百科 地板隔热层



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