加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息I want to sell one of the new inverter technology


This was a new invention, the new inverter cost is very low, the output power frequency is very stable, no matter how the wind changes, it can ensure that the output 50Hz (or 60Hz) sine wave AC. The new type of inverter output power can do very large ,Very small volume can be done, Very little damage. When grid voltage is very low, the stable operation of this converter can still be. 1000 W made with this technique, single-phase sine wave inverter. Sizes as large as the soap box(Outside the installation step-up transformer).This new technology market prospect is extremely broad. The new converter does not apply for a patent. Now is a technical confidential. It may buy this inverter technology companies go to apply for patent.If the price is appropriate and has been trading, all the future in both the frequency converter has nothing to do with me.

回复: I want to sell one of the new inverter technologyThis is a rare opportunity! Time will prove that you must be very angry if Miss this great opportunity because it is leading a good opportunity for wind power revolution. If you are interested in this new technology, please contact me as soon as possible. Contact:E-mail: [email protected] Tel:86-15980709863Fax :86-0591-83038795Contact: 林檀礼 ( Tanlilin )

回复: I want to sell one of the new inverter technologyanimated show Because the original video file is too large (37M), can not be transmitted in the annex. Now made into animated show (2.87M)

回复: I want to sell one of the new inverter technologyone of the new inverter technology(1)

回复: I want to sell one of the new inverter technologyone of the new inverter technology(2)

回复: I want to sell one of the new inverter technologyone of the new inverter technology(3)

回复: I want to sell one of the new inverter technologyone of the new inverter technology(4)

回复: I want to sell one of the new inverter technologyone of the new inverter technology(5)

回复: I want to sell one of the new inverter technologyone of the new inverter technology(6)

回复: I want to sell one of the new inverter technology什么是inverter,看不明白。

回复: I want to sell one of the new inverter technology什么是inverter,看不明白。点击展开...。 变频器。

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