加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息B.Tech和B.Eng的区别是什么呢?



回复: B.Tech和B.Eng的区别是什么呢?B.Eng.是Bachelor of Engineering. B. Tech应该是Bachelor of Technology. 前者在加拿大很普遍,后者我从来没听说过。在加拿大,工程学院本科给的学位是B.Eng. or B.A.Sc. 大多工学院每过3-6年都要经过一个严格及头痛的accreditation review by CEAB. 只有过了这个review学校的毕业生才有资格申请P.Eng.几年前多大不买CEAB账,差点丢了acrreditation.如果一个大学某一个program没拿到或丢了accreditation,院长,系主任都会下台的。如果一个新的工学院,它一定要等到第一批学生毕业了,才能申请accreditation.第一次最多拿三年。不是所有的工程学位都能pass考核的。比如,BCIT的B.Eng.programs就没拿到accreditation.rt点击展开...

回复: B.Tech和B.Eng的区别是什么呢?B.Eng.是Bachelor of Engineering. B. Tech应该是Bachelor of Technology. 前者在加拿大很普遍,后者我从来没听说过。 在加拿大,工程学院本科给的学位是B.Eng. or B.A.Sc. 大多工学院每过3-6年都要经过一个严格及头痛的accreditation review by CEAB. 只有过了这个review学校的毕业生才有资格申请P.Eng.几年前多大不买CEAB账,差点丢了acrreditation.如果一个大学某一个program没拿到或丢了accreditation,院长,系主任都会下台的。 如果一个新的工学院,它一定要等到第一批学生毕业了,才能申请accreditation.第一次最多拿三年。 不是所有的工程学位都能pass考核的。比如,BCIT的B.Eng.programs就没拿到accreditation.点击展开...As far as I know, there is one joint program from Memorial University of Newfoundland (marine institute)and Jilin University( laimudun colledge), student studys several years in China first then in Canada, then gets the degree of B.Tech from Memorial university. As far as I know, most of the students from B. Tech cound not find a job after they graduated. I think there are several reasons: 1: most of the students are form Mainland China, English is not that good2: there is no co-op or intern in this program3: relatively easy to get into this program4: the courses are not that academic Some of the students went bank to China, some of them transfer to other normal programs in the unversity (need to take several more courses sometime). for this B. T program, it is offerred by Marine Institute, not Faculty of Engineering. If you have the option, choose B.Eng.

回复: B.Tech和B.Eng的区别是什么呢?这样的program是骗钱的,千万不能读。As far as I know, there is one joint program from Memorial University of Newfoundland (marine institute)and Jilin University( laimudun colledge), student studys several years in China first then in Canada, then gets the degree of B.Tech from Memorial university. As far as I know, most of the students from B. Tech cound not find a job after they graduated. I think there are several reasons: 1: most of the students are form Mainland China, English is not that good2: there is no co-op or intern in this program3: relatively easy to get into this program4: the courses are not that academic Some of the students went bank to China, some of them transfer to other normal programs in the unversity (need to take several more courses sometime). for this B. T program, it is offerred by Marine Institute, not Faculty of Engineering. If you have the option, choose B.Eng.点击展开...

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