加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息大家说说高校英语教师过去都做些什么工作啊?
回复: 大家说说高校英语教师过去都做些什么工作啊?顶一个先!
回复: 大家说说高校英语教师过去都做些什么工作啊?过来后喜欢什么就再学个什么,英语好,学习应当更容易一些。不要指望靠教老外中文或教国人英文维生即可!
回复: 大家说说高校英语教师过去都做些什么工作啊?为什么别的贴子对您的未来影响这么大呢?难道您不曾比对过别的资讯,认为这论坛的任何一句话都是定论?国内英语老师的专业到达什么程度,内容如何,资历与学经历状况,在您到加拿大后找工作与面试时都是关键。任何专业工作都会研究您的背景与能力,尤其是学院学校的工作,在大量涌入的履历表里如何凸显您的专长,就是重点。英语是您过去数年的专业工作,可以奠定您继续深造或工作的基础,在北美教书,您的英语听/说/读/写当然要标准出色,教学技法日新月异,人际关系更要圆熟热诚,同时不断的深造进修,更上层楼。我见过不少年长加藉老师,不惑之年仍然胸怀大志的攻读学位。不错,如果您志在教书,在加拿大比在美国收入好,退休远景佳,但是得终身学习不辍。在加拿大其实有不少中藉教师,但他们不见得都能上网上贴,您得找专业论坛与专业人士讨论。
回复: 大家说说高校英语教师过去都做些什么工作啊?多谢楼上这位的指点。是啊,迷茫的时候,遇到高人,真的有茅塞顿开的感觉。多谢!
回复: 大家说说高校英语教师过去都做些什么工作啊?过来后喜欢什么就再学个什么,英语好,学习应当更容易一些。不要指望靠教老外中文或教国人英文维生即可!点击展开...
回复: 大家说说高校英语教师过去都做些什么工作啊?my wife and me were both english teachers in universyties in our late and mid 30s back in china when immigrating canada in 2005, then i went a one yr postgradurate cerfiticate in international marketing and got a call center job as cell phone customer service until now and my wife got a 2 yr college education in financial servcie and got a call center job in a bank until now, we both did some funny labor jobs for a couple of months before going back to college as many people did, anyway, don't assume you are a foreigner in a foreign land since you speak english as well, you can live as well as any body else and yo will definitely survive here as long as you can survive in china, as an old canadian guy said canada gives you A-Z, go to school if you have no major and canada offers student loan, go to government if you lose job and canada gives you unemploment benefits,attend training to get another job and canada lends a hand to you again....
回复: 大家说说高校英语教师过去都做些什么工作啊?canada gives you A-Z, go to school if you have no major and canada offers student loan, go to government if you lose job and canada gives you unemploment benefits,attend training to get another job and canada lends a hand to you again....We must choose an positive/vigorous attitude!
2006-8月 递料2006-10 FN2010-7-5 ME 2011-1MER2011-2PL2011-3登陆2013-7 长登陆完成,剩下的只有fighting了!!!回复: 大家说说高校英语教师过去都做些什么工作啊?那英语教师移民之后适合学点啥专业呢?
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