加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息朋友要决定来不来魁北克读PHD 紧急!!
这个朋友在国内拿到了Univ. of Quebec at Rimouski的PhD offer,结果仔细一研究才发现这个offer只是一个工资,一年$18500,并不包括学费,教授私下里跟她说The fees for a trimester are $6815 ($20445 /year) for the first 6 trimesters(first 2 years). Thereafter the fees are about $200-300 for trimester 6 and over. However, you would easily obtain a scholarship to compensate the higher fees, as compared to Canadian citizen. These scholarships are offeredby UQAR in priority to phD Student. With the scholarship it would cost $1339 for trimester 1-6, ie the same as for a Canadian student.那个朋友研究了一下如何申请这个scholarship,发现Quebec省和中国留学基金委签过合作协议。中国学生申请学费减免必须通过原驻国就是中国申请,每年中国留学基金委会在被Quebec省各大学录取的研究生里选105个人,然后学校可以免除他们高于加拿大本土人的学费。不过这样一来就要签订回国服务的协定并交保证金(3万)。现在问题是这是不是获得学费减免的唯一途径?如果通过这个渠道得到了减免跟国内签了协议会不会影响拿加拿大的枫叶卡?网上还查到魁省有个专门给国外留学生的奖学金(Merit scholarship program for foreign student)这个奖学金也是用于博士研究生学费减免,想问问这个奖学金申请起来是否困难,是不是申请到这个奖学金就不用回国服务2年了?详情况如下:MERIT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FOR FOREIGN STUDENTV1 ? Doctoral Research Scholarship: valued at $25,000 per year for up to three years (tenable within the first nine terms of the doctoral program), and MELS will offer all recipients an exemption from paying the international tuition fees and the medical insurance coverage offered by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec. All doctoral sessions, funded or unfunded, completed before the scholarship takes effect are used in calculating the eligibility period.http://graduatestudies.concordia.ca/currentstudents/funding/fellowshipawardsapplications/BPEEE.php非常感谢!
·生活百科 安装批准的问题
·生活百科 消费 /生产计