加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息不平等的待遇



回复: 不平等的待遇没有特殊情况,正式职员是不会被裁的,而且很难被裁的。楼主没有说怎么不公平,被排挤。一般这种情况也只有找工会出面的,如果现在工会不肯出面,是不是楼主有什么内情没有说,或者工会会等到你太太被裁后才出面?

回复: 不平等的待遇这种情况我的朋友碰到过。她厉害,自己找到大学的职位教书去了。我认为可以有以下对策:1. 找直属上司的上司谈这件事情,寻求帮助。2. 继续找工会帮助。3. 自己看看内部有没有其他机会,申请试试看,若成功,则逃离苦难。4. 实在不行,干好本职工作,不用太理上司。放开心态,不用太在意上司的脸色,看谁挺得过谁,看谁先走。5.你太太更了这么长的时间,没有大错,比如违法犯罪,是不会被开除的。

回复: 不平等的待遇多著各位意?,事情檫始於年多前,主因可能是?位整升,上司迂得我太太不能符合她要求,但由始??有提供任何在???,三年工作一直?有作每年?告,直到去年第一份工作怎估竟全部作不合格,如是我太太作出回?提出harassment,但於adr阻?中上司作出口钷锗?真?提供??,故而剿止上灾.可惜?在一反真咿的?,更迫令檫了两次檩樵?阻,重覆真要我太太快??工,至此工?亦真?能?力,根?一些儋深?工真,他??於再一?次?后便出信.其?呃事除我太太受困览外,本人亦精神受困,因家庭??就靠太太一人支持,本人失?两年仍找不了工作.想找一些?工律?咨?意?也不能,找法援得到的答覆就是找工?,但工?就真?能?力……

回复: 不平等的待遇直到去年第一份工作估竟全部作不合格,如是我太太作出回提出harassment,但於adr中上司作出口提供,故而止上点击展开...I don't really understand. Your wife filed a harassment complain because of the bad review she got? It doesn't make sense to me. Do they want to fire her because she is not capable of doing her work? If so, then you wife should collect some evidences to prove that she has finished the tasks that has been given to her successfully and bring those to the union. It is still odd though, they don't normally fire people because they are not able to do the work. They really need a good reason to fire her. If it is personal reason between your wife and her boss, then try to transfer to another position within DND or even other federal government deparments is a good idea. Your wife should start looking for a job. Even she could stay at the end, it is still not a healthy environment for her to work anymore. Did the union say why they cannot help your wife? Are you in Ottawa? If yes, you can post it again on http://bbs.comefromchina.com/. There are lots of Chinese in Ottawa working for Feds. You could get more help there.

回复: 不平等的待遇thanks for your information,first her boss is a labour lawyer,so everytime when she said some unrespect meeting always no evident.B/4 she take harassment,already many time closed door said she don't like my wife,until the performance report come.Other person said that need to take action otherwise cannot keep working.So my wife write the statement to Ottawa head office complaint. But at the ADR meeting her boss verbal promise will give training and will try daily discuss to help improve.So we trust her then agreed raise the complaint.But now she said cannot provide any training and also create the meeting (with HR & union) just said need to find another job soon and also said my wife cannot meet her requirement,but she never give her chance to do the relative job.Now we don't know how to do. Union representative just sit by side everytime and nothing to said.We are not live at Ottawa,we live at York region.

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