加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Transcript/Portfolio是什么东西?



圣经学习中,请多多指教!求购像这样的儿童乐高玩具回复: Transcript/Portfolio是什么东西?Transcript/Portfolio是成绩单

回复: Transcript/Portfolio是什么东西?What is a portfolio? A portfolio is a collection of selected student work packaged and organized for easy review and evaluation. It is designed to be used for tracking, assessing and integrating academic development. A portfolio has several advantages over a traditional academic transcript. A transcript is nothing more than an official record of courses taken and grades earned. A portfolio provides a physical place to keep all sorts of academic work: term papers, projects, presentations, records of internships, honors projects and other evidence of learning which is not reflected directly on a transcript. A portfolio also provides a place to document other sorts of achievements including extracurricular activities, participation in student government and other campus leadership roles, study abroad experiences, awards and any other activities that you may think enhance your professional growth and development. While a portfolio may be in either hard copy or digital format, we believe that the digital format is preferable because it is more easily organized and accessed, highly portable, and easily communicated to others. If your portfolio is Web based, you have the capability to link your own accomplishment directly with the standards and achievement criteria established by the School of Business.A portfolio is not merely a repository for all of a student’s work. It does provide a framework for organizing and presenting evidence that each student has developed the abilities that we in the School of Business seek to deliver in all of our graduates. A portfolio provides a way of documenting both progress in the achievement of those abilities. The process of accumulating the evidence over the course of completing the business major is intended to keep the student’s focus on the task at hand. The portfolio should be sufficiently terse to allow quick access review and review of evidence. Students may wish to obtain video or audio examples of student performance, video or audio testimonials from faculty or other parties. However, inclusion of such content is at the discretion of the student and relevant faculty or outside individuals.It is also important to note that a portfolio should not limited to exemplary work. As discussed further in a subsequent section of this document, a major purpose of portfolios should be to document progress and the evolution of one’s ability in a discipline. If the only exemplary work is included, there can obviously be no documentation of progress.

回复: Transcript/Portfolio是什么东西?谢谢!看来这是一个面向毕业生的职位。

圣经学习中,请多多指教!求购像这样的儿童乐高玩具回复: Transcript/Portfolio是什么东西?portfolio很重要的说。。。不光针对学生。。。

回复: Transcript/Portfolio是什么东西?不一定,很多政府职位要你的成绩单,是看你有没有学位,成绩如何也是一个标准.

回复: Transcript/Portfolio是什么东西?还是不太明白。如果不是学生,需要提供什么材料呢?

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