加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有在萨省SIAST读书的朋友请进?
回复: 有在萨省SIAST读书的朋友请进?可以申请考CLB(Canada Language Benchmark),去SIAST问就行.
回复: 有在萨省SIAST读书的朋友请进?If you want to find out all the details, you'd better contact to SIAST directly. I took the CEP in SIAST last Summer . It's very useful and helpful.Would you mind me to ask which city are you in, just in case I can help you out.
回复: 有在萨省SIAST读书的朋友请进?If you want to find out all the details, you'd better contact to SIAST directly. I took the CEP in SIAST last Summer . It's very useful and helpful.Would you mind me to ask which city are you in, just in case I can help you out.点击展开...Thanks for your information! I am in Regina and I am interested in this program. I want to know what english level should I have and how to apply.
回复: 有在萨省SIAST读书的朋友请进?SIAST的同学都加这个群吧 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------我是2011年准备去SIAST读计算机diploma的同学,搜索了很久都没有找到很好的资源共享的网络, 所以自己建了这么个群,. 不论你是想读esl,diploma, 或者是你已经是siast的校友, 都欢迎大家加入这个群, 大家人多力量大, 互相帮助, 信息共享.请在qq 内搜索群的号码: 35217207<a target="_blank" href="http://qun.qq.com/#jointhegroup/gid/35217207"><img border="0" src="http://cgi.qun.qq.com/gscgi/s1/gp.do?gid=35217207" alt="点击这里加入此群" title="点击这里加入此群"></a>http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=449074
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