加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息学习许可问题
孩子该续签学习许可了,可需要的文件里有这一条Proof of means of financial support that demonstrate that you can support yourself and any accompanying family members while you study in Canada. For example, proof of a Canadian bank account in your name, your bank statements for the past four months, a bank draft in convertible currency, or proof of payment of tuition and residence fees. 我的孩子一直住在亲戚家里,所有费用我都交到亲戚手里帮她打理支出。孩子也没有账户,这该怎么办呢?给支支招吧!还有,孩子的学习许可是11月到期,可以假期后回加拿大再办吗?孩子六月底要回国了。望知道的好心人指点!
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