加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息jobskill 的simpressions program有用么?
请问大家参加过这个simpressions吗?http://www.jobskills.org/practicefirms/simpressions/, 觉得有用吗?employment advisor说可能会通过这个program找到专业工作,真的吗?
回复: jobskill 的simpressions program有用么?I got the "job" today from simpression. Will spend 8 weeks there in order to gain Canadian working experience. Below video is for the practice firm. http://torontopubliclibrary.typepad.com/jobhelp/film/page/3/But I am still wondering if it's worthy to work without pay.
回复: jobskill 的simpressions program有用么?I got the "job" today from simpression. Will spend 8 weeks there in order to gain Canadian working experience. Below video is for the practice firm. http://torontopubliclibrary.typepad.com/jobhelp/film/page/3/But I am still wondering if it's worthy to work without pay.点击展开...至少有人指点吧?这样找工作可能少走弯路吧。以后LZ有了新的感受的话,告诉我们哈。谢谢。
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