加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请教:教师资格证
Canadian dream > Chinese dream ???回复: 请教:教师资格证一朋友,印度裔,在美国时可以做小学教师,来了加拿大,不行。
回复: 请教:教师资格证Which city are you going to live in? You may mail your documents to the College of Teachers of that province to have them evaluated. The organization will give you feedback to let your know what you need to do to get the teaching certificate.
回复: 请教:教师资格证Which city are you going to live in? You may mail your documents to the College of Teachers of that province to have them evaluated. The organization will give you feedback to let your know what you need to do to get the teaching certificate.点击展开...Thank you very much. I am going to live in Prince George BC. I will check the website of the BC College of Teachers and find out what kind of documents they need.
Canadian dream > Chinese dream ???回复: 请教:教师资格证做中小学老师对于移民来说基本没戏,
09.11.1 长登卡尔加里2016 转战大温开店 北本拿比注册按摩师 注册针灸师回复: 请教:教师资格证One of my friends is teaching in a public high school in BC now! He holds the BC College of Teachers' teaching certificate; as well, he is an immigrant from China too.
回复: 请教:教师资格证做中小学老师对于移民来说基本没戏,点击展开...不要泼冷水嘛,还是有人当成教师的,虽然需要些耐心和毅力。
回复: 请教:教师资格证How do I become a teacher if my degree is in something other than education?You need to complete a teacher education program at a Canadian university and qualify for a teaching certificate in the province where you complete it. Since you already have an undergraduate degree, you would be looking for an after-degree program. These range from about 10 months to two years in duration and may result in a degree being conferred. Some programs do not result in a degree; however, they are just as valid for purposes of certification. The program cannot be completed through distance education. Each province is responsible for teacher certification, so if you change provinces you would need to apply to each subsequent province for a teaching certificate. 详情见:http://www.bcct.ca/faq.aspx貌似都得经过培训,拿到LICENSE。
回复: 请教:教师资格证How do I become a teacher if my degree is in something other than education?You need to complete a teacher education program at a Canadian university and qualify for a teaching certificate in the province where you complete it. Since you already have an undergraduate degree, you would be looking for an after-degree program. These range from about 10 months to two years in duration and may result in a degree being conferred. Some programs do not result in a degree; however, they are just as valid for purposes of certification. The program cannot be completed through distance education. Each province is responsible for teacher certification, so if you change provinces you would need to apply to each subsequent province for a teaching certificate. 详情见:http://www.bcct.ca/faq.aspx貌似都得经过培训,拿到LICENSE。点击展开...非常非常感谢,请告诉我哪个学校只要8个月或者略微长一点,我看到的都是两年的时间,不管哪个省的都可以,我刚到不久,去哪里都可以。两年时间很长,加上也许找工作还需要时间,那过渡期就太长了。
Canadian dream > Chinese dream ???回复: 请教:教师资格证请多指教啊,各位。为了防止这个帖子沉了,我自己只好顶一下了。
Canadian dream > Chinese dream ???回复: 请教:教师资格证加油!不过教书,换个国家教书,一年半载好像难,主要觉得对不起孩子们。
what goes around comes around回复: 请教:教师资格证I'm also concerning about this
回复: 请教:教师资格证I'm also concerning about this点击展开...多关注,看哪个学校的项目比较容易入学,学制较短。育空的学校待遇不错,不过我觉得可能那里太冷,申请者少。
Canadian dream > Chinese dream ???回复: 请教:教师资格证关注中
回复: 请教:教师资格证我也准备朝这个方向发展。想找个容易的突破口。莎省不必考虑了,老师供大于求了。 需要等很久才能成为一个真正的老师。 我现在的同事就有教师资格,但在daycare 工作呢。
回复: 请教:教师资格证明年我可以拿三级ECE,所以在考虑以后怎么办? 不想做一辈子的幼儿园。
回复: 请教:教师资格证很多人选择ECE专业是因为毕业以后可以继续深造,将来做小学老师。理论上确实是这样的。ECE两年毕业以后,可以直接进入大学进修,再学两年拿Degree,然后再去上个Teacher college拿老师执照。这样五年下来你就具备了进入public school的资格。我的很多同学也都是这样做的。但是现在的情况是教师的岗位是僧多粥少,我见过的完全具备教师资格的但一直在等位子的老师有很多。你当然可以选择这条路,但是你拿到教师资格以后多久能进入教育局的门,谁也说不准。如果你确实有心走这条路,我祝您好运! 爱问搜索,www.iask.ca本文来自加拿大家园网-原文链接:http://www.iask.ca/plus/view.php?aid=1634
回复: 请教:教师资格证The teacher's college of universities in BC is a twelve to sixteen months program now. However, before getting into it, applicants perhaps have to take some academic courses to meet the entrance requirement. That is to say, you need to take at minimum two years to become a teacher here.
回复: 请教:教师资格证The teacher's college of universities in BC is a sixteen months program now. However, before getting into it, applicants perhaps have to take some specific courses to meet the entering requirement. That is to say, you need to take at minimum two years to become a teacher here.点击展开...有关这个问题的其他省的情况,需要知道的同志继续提供信息。谢谢!!!
Canadian dream > Chinese dream ???回复: 请教:教师资格证How is going?
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