加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息像我这样的在加拿大能找到公务员工作吗



2007年7月12日递交HK2007年7月30日信用卡扣款2007年12月5日FNVO-KTA2007年12月雅思7分(纯属瞎起劲)回复: 像我这样的在加拿大能找到公务员工作吗如果只是要求3000的工资,那么我敢担保你肯定没有问题。前提是在阿尔伯塔省、一年以内。因为别的省我不了解,阿尔伯塔省繁荣的经济一年之内不会改变。

Fan YangTOP 1% President's Club of REBGV Team 2019大温顶级金牌房产经纪团队要买房,找老杨!要卖房,找老杨!http://www.bctopagents.com电话:778-788-0888 微信:laoyang7077回复: 像我这样的在加拿大能找到公务员工作吗多谢,哪里最冷的冬天几度?有多长时间?因为我本来就想着去温哥华的

2007年7月12日递交HK2007年7月30日信用卡扣款2007年12月5日FNVO-KTA2007年12月雅思7分(纯属瞎起劲)回复: 像我这样的在加拿大能找到公务员工作吗3000的工资,是高还是低啊

天堂是什么?上帝释曰:“那是个没有痛苦没有灾难的极乐世界”佛祖释曰:“天庭乃是众生超越轮回的乐土!”共产者誓曰:“那就是理想的共产主义社会!!”无信仰者释曰:“那是个做梦都去不到的地方!”回复: 像我这样的在加拿大能找到公务员工作吗公民才能找公务员工作吧,以我看,楼主的情况出来肯定后悔

回复: 像我这样的在加拿大能找到公务员工作吗多谢,哪里最冷的冬天几度?有多长时间?因为我本来就想着去温哥华的点击展开...哪里最冷的冬天几度?零下40度。 有多长时间?一天。

Fan YangTOP 1% President's Club of REBGV Team 2019大温顶级金牌房产经纪团队要买房,找老杨!要卖房,找老杨!http://www.bctopagents.com电话:778-788-0888 微信:laoyang70773000的工资,是高还是低啊点击展开...低。

Fan YangTOP 1% President's Club of REBGV Team 2019大温顶级金牌房产经纪团队要买房,找老杨!要卖房,找老杨!http://www.bctopagents.com电话:778-788-0888 微信:laoyang7077我33岁,本科是英语,10多年来一直在500强企业里做HR,现在已经是director的title,基本跑遍了欧洲和北美,也算是个国际经理人吧。移民只是想过平静、没有压力的生活,对钱不是太在乎。听一个加拿大的朋友(也是中国人)说像我这样英语基本没问题的作公务员也可以的,工资也不是很高,3000元左右,真的吗,希望大家给些建议,谢谢拉点击展开...不是说你英文不好。但公务员,你的可能性不大。一,因为要有加拿大国籍。二。要通过公务员考试。有语言表达的考试。还有根据职位有其他考试,如判断力等。你考不过native的。这是我考过的考试。Public Service Commission TestsGraduate Recruitment Test Written Communication Proficiency TestForeign Service Situational Judgement Test Situational Judgement Test

回复: 像我这样的在加拿大能找到公务员工作吗看看要求吧。英文好就不用我翻了吧。Human Resources OfficerDepartment Name: Correctional Service of CanadaLocations: Saskatoon, SK Classification: PE - 02 Salary: $55,602 to $61,715 (per annum)Closing Date: August 30, 2007 - 23:59, Pacific Time Useful Information Reference Number: PEN07J-004805-000271Selection Process Number: 07-PEN-EA-PRA-RPC-110Employment Tenure: Indeterminate, term, and acting.Vacancies: 1, Regional Psychiatric Centre.A pool of qualified candidates will be created and will be valid for a period of one year with possibility of extension. This qualified pool may be used to staff similar positions in the Prairie Region on an inderterminate, term, or acting basis. Website: For further information on the department, please visit Correctional Service of CanadaWho Can Apply:Useful InformationPersons residing in Canada and Canadian citizens residing abroad CitizenshipUseful InformationPreference will be given to Canadian citizens. Please indicate in your application the reason for which you are entitled to work in Canada: Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status or work permit.Language ProficiencyUseful InformationApplicants must demonstrate in their application that they meet the following merit criteria to be retained for further consideration.English essential EducationUseful InformationGraduation with a degree from a recognized university with acceptable specialization in human resources management, labour or industrial relations, psychology, public or business administration, organizational development, education sciences, social sciences, sociology, or in any other field relevant to the work to be performed.NOTES: Indeterminate incumbents of PE positions and of positions in the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions and in Indian Oil and Gas Canada that are equivalent to PE positions on October 1, 1999, who do not possess the education level prescribed above, are deemed to meet the minimum education standard based on their education, training and/or experience. ExperienceExperience in any of the following: Human Resource disciplines: Labour Relations, Staffing, Classification, Training, Employment Equity, Human Resources Planning, Recruitment, or Compensation and Benefits (administrative experience in any of these disciplines may be given consideration).Experience using various computer software applications (such as Word, Excel, Power Point, etc).Statement of Merit CriteriaApplicants who meet the above criteria will also be assessed against the Statement of Merit Criteria for this position.Work EnvironmentRegional Psychiatric Centre and various locations throughout the Prairie Region, including:ALBERTA: Edmonton Institution, Edmonton AB; Edmonton Institution for Women, Edmonton AB; Drumheller Institution, Drumheller AB; Grande Cache Institution, Grande Cache AB; Bowden Institution, Innisfail AB; Pe Sakastew, Hobbema ABSASKATCHEWAN: Saskatchewan Penitentiary, Prince Albert SK; Regional Psychiatric Centre, Saskatoon SK; Regional Headquarters,Saskatoon SK; Riverbend Institution, Prince Albert SK; Willow Cree Healing Lodge, Duck Lake SK; and Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge, Maple Creek SK.MANITOBA: Stony Mountain Institution, Winnipeg MB; Rockwood Institution, Stony Mountain MB.Additional Requirements / CommentsReference checks may be sought.A written examination may be administered.A role play may be administered.A practical test may be administered.A situational exercise may be administered.Candidates may be required to meet the asset qualifications or the organizational needs, depending on the requirements of the specific position being staffed.Candidates must meet the essential qualifications to be appointed to a position.You will be required to provide proof of your education credentials.Persons are entitled to participate in the appointment process in the official language of their choice. Applicants are asked to indicate their preferred official language in their application.The Public Service of Canada recognizes that the diversity of its employees' population contributes to its strength and integrity. We are committed to achieving employment equity and developing a highly capable workforce that is representative of Canadian Society. We therefore encourage women (especially in non-traditional occupations), Aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minority groups to apply and declare themselves as part of one or more of the above mentioned Employment Equity Designated Groups.Achieving a representative workforce has been identified as an organizational need in the merit criteria, and may be applied in this appointment process. Information related to the application of this merit criterion will be collected when/if this criterion is used to make an appointment. Consequently, there is no need to indicate on your application if you are a member of the designated group(s) specified in the merit criteria.Information to be provided:You must provide the following information when submitting your application:Your résumé. You must ensure that you select at least one employment type when submitting your application: Employment Tenure --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important MessagesCANDIDATES MUST IDENTIFY IN DETAIL HOW THEY MEET ALL ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS. FAILURE TO ADDRESS THESE REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN THE CANDIDATE BEING SCREENED OUT. Interested persons must meet each essential qualification to be appointed to the position. A person may be appointed to the position even though he/she does not meet any or all of the asset qualifications. However, meeting these criteria is desirable and may be a deciding factor in choosing the person to be appointed.You must apply on-line for all positions advertised through the Public Service Resourcing System (PSRS). Hard copy applications (fax, mail, etc.) will not be accepted. If you have a disability that prevents you from applying on-line, please fax your application to 1-877-209-0491.Your résumé must clearly demonstrate how you meet the requirements.We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.Questions regarding travel and relocation.The Public Service of Canada is committed to building a skilled, diverse workforce reflective of Canadian society. As a result, it promotes employment equity and encourages candidates to indicate voluntarily on their application if they are a woman, an Aboriginal person, a person with a disability or a member of a visible minority group.The Public Service of Canada is also committed to developing inclusive, barrier-free selection processes and work environments. If contacted in relation to a job opportunity or testing, you should advise the Public Service Commission or the departmental official in a timely fashion of the accommodation measures which must be taken to enable you to be assessed in a fair and equitable manner. Information received relating to accommodation measures will be addressed confidentially.

回复: 像我这样的在加拿大能找到公务员工作吗公务员福利好,工资并不高,但稳定

回复: 像我这样的在加拿大能找到公务员工作吗我33岁,本科是英语,10多年来一直在500强企业里做HR,现在已经是director的title,基本跑遍了欧洲和北美,也算是个国际经理人吧。移民只是想过平静、没有压力的生活,对钱不是太在乎。听一个加拿大的朋友(也是中国人)说像我这样英语基本没问题的作公务员也可以的,工资也不是很高,3000元左右,真的吗,希望大家给些建议,谢谢拉点击展开...凡事皆可能! 机会往往属于敢于尝试和挑战的人!!! 我的一位旧同事,新移民,今年三月来温,与你有极其相似的背景,只是专业不同,他做财务的.他先后在温和多各呆了两三个月找工作,面试的机会很少,结果在网上看到BC省政府招聘,笔试通过,来温面试,我还是他提供的证明人之一,政府部门打电话给我了解他的情况,一星期后拿到OFFER,工作地点在维多利亚,九月份开始工作.

回复: 像我这样的在加拿大能找到公务员工作吗凡事皆可能! 机会往往属于敢于尝试和挑战的人!!! 我的一位旧同事,新移民,今年三月来温,与你有极其相似的背景,只是专业不同,他做财务的.他先后在温和多各呆了两三个月找工作,面试的机会很少,结果在网上看到BC省政府招聘,笔试通过,来温面试,我还是他提供的证明人之一,政府部门打电话给我了解他的情况,一星期后拿到OFFER,工作地点在维多利亚,九月份开始工作.点击展开...省市政府好进一些.我上面贴的是联帮的.你的朋友工作是TERM还是PERMANENT?

回复: 像我这样的在加拿大能找到公务员工作吗省市政府好进一些.我上面贴的是联帮的.你的朋友工作是TERM还是PERMANENT?点击展开...Permanent.

回复: 像我这样的在加拿大能找到公务员工作吗谢谢大家,没想到有这么多的回复,所有的信息都很宝贵。我最近想在上海先念个UBC的MBA(和上海交大合办,发UBC文凭),到时候去加拿大也有些资本。如果不是公司只可以赞助我在上海念的话,其实在加拿大念应该不错的。再次谢谢大家,以后有问题我还要再问的哦。

2007年7月12日递交HK2007年7月30日信用卡扣款2007年12月5日FNVO-KTA2007年12月雅思7分(纯属瞎起劲)哪里最冷的冬天几度?零下40度。 有多长时间?一天。点击展开...,一般冬天多长,平均几度啊

2007年7月12日递交HK2007年7月30日信用卡扣款2007年12月5日FNVO-KTA2007年12月雅思7分(纯属瞎起劲),一般冬天多长,平均几度啊点击展开...平均气温在零下的,一共有4个月: 12月1月2月3月 -7.8 -13.8 -5.5 -0.4

Fan YangTOP 1% President's Club of REBGV Team 2019大温顶级金牌房产经纪团队要买房,找老杨!要卖房,找老杨!http://www.bctopagents.com电话:778-788-0888 微信:laoyang7077回复: 像我这样的在加拿大能找到公务员工作吗帮楼主顶一个,支持你啦。加声望哦!

自己为祖国做了点什么呢?想了又想...祖国为自己做了点什么呢?想都不想...回复: 像我这样的在加拿大能找到公务员工作吗一般是同等资格下加拿大公民优先, 如果你的工作职位不敏感,并且相对竞争者少,或者竞争者中没有符合条件的加拿大公民,或其他特殊情况,那么获录用的几率就很高了。不过,条件好/资历/学历高于其他竞争者不等于获录用几率高。

See to it that no one misses the grace of God. -- Hebrews 12:15回复: 像我这样的在加拿大能找到公务员工作吗我猜想一开始从一些初级的公务员职位做起,可能会更容易。熟悉和了解情况之后,内部获得更高职位的招聘机会应该还是有的。不知道想得对不对,前辈多指点。:)

新的征程:13-09-24,一家三口的枫叶卡寄到朋友那了,13-08-11,两个 G2 都收到了,13-07-16,小镇考G2,13-07-15,银行户口激活,领信用卡,考G1,13-07-14 登陆 Toronto。回复: 像我这样的在加拿大能找到公务员工作吗要求是不是太低了。

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