加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息毁掉你面试的元凶:20个细节暴露你的弱点
Don’t come a half an hour early. It makes me feel pressure to finish what I’m doing. 5 minutes early is more than enough。 终于凭借闪亮的简历见到了传说中的HR,你有把握说服他,让他认为你就是这份工作最合适的人选么?也许你参与了N场面试,自我感觉还不错,却总是面试过后再无消息?快来看看是不是这20个细节毁掉了你珍贵的面试机会。 一直以为面试到的早表示有诚意,原来到太早HR也会有压力…… Don't bring your own cup of Starbucks coffee to the interview. It's not professional, and it will make me jealous that I don't have one。 星巴克的杯子拿来做街拍点缀不错,面试的时候就先别拿着了吧……HR不爽了,倒霉的是自己…… Don't touch your face or twirl your hair during the interview. It's disgusting and distracting。 紧张的时候可能会不自觉的有一些小动作,但是切记不要让HR看见啊! Don’t wait more than 24 hours after the interview to write a thank you note. It annoys me if I get it one week later. Be short and sweet, but specific。 所谓趁热打铁,在HR对你还有印象的时候,用感谢信来加固一下他对你的好印象吧,但是如果忘记发感谢信了,那就让它随风去吧……不要再去打扰繁忙的HR了。 Skip the "thank you note in the snail mail" thing. It's 2011. 很有可能你的信件寄到的时候,招聘工作已经结束了……这个时代,时间就是一切啊! If I ask you take a 10-minute writing test after we speak, take it. No matter what you have going on after, it's a huge red flag if you say you don't have time。 测试也是面试中的一部分,真心想得到工作的同学,都不会拒绝测试吧。 Don't talk about how successful your father is. I don't care, and it will make me think he's responsible for getting you all your past jobs and internships。 除非你的工作机会是你老爸帮你搞定的~要不就拿出自己的成就来说吧! Don't arrive with wet hair. I'd rather you be five minutes late with dry hair。 把自己弄干净去面试,出发点很好,但是等头发飘逸了再出门啊!当然不排除有人发胶打太多,导致头发总是看起来湿漉漉的…… Don't have disgusting breath. If I'm sitting across a conference room table from you and can smell it, that's a bad sign。 口气问题,来片口香糖吧。(好像广告啊有木有!) Don’t say "I still haven’t figured out what I want to do yet。” It makes you seem lost. You have figured out what you want to do, and it's exactly what this job is。 我想,HR如果听到这样的话,估计会直接判该人出局吧! Don’t say "I still haven’t figured out what I want to do yet。” It makes you seem lost. You have figured out what you want to do, and it's exactly what this job is。 我想,HR如果听到这样的话,估计会直接判该人出局吧! Don't tell me that Business Insider is a great "magazine." Come on. That's just embarrassing。 Business Insider是一个网站,如果你连应聘单位到底是网站还是杂志都分不清楚……请自行想象HR心中的不满…… When I ask you what websites and publications you read, don’t say The New York Times. Everyone reads the New York Times. Be creative。 当我问你看什么网站和出版物时,别告诉我,你读《纽约时报》。千人一面。要有点创意。(当然在中国,别说你只读教科书) Don’t send me a cover letter email that’s more than one paragraph long. I don't want to read about your childhood. Save the details for the interview。 想在千万份简历中脱颖而出,靠的绝对不是简历的厚度,而是简历的亮点。 Don’t attach your resume to an email and title it “Magazine Resume” or “Forbes Resume。” Seriously, come on。 不要单单把简历扔在在电邮里,标题只写“杂志社简历”或者“福布斯简历”。拜托,好歹写上应聘职位啊亲~ If we’re at a career fair, don’t tell me how “slutty” the other candidates are dressed compared to you. True story。 HR不是你的闺蜜哦,靠贬低别人是绝对换不来自己的优秀滴。 If you’re interviewing for an editorial job, don’t tell me your lifelong goal is to be a designer, or a golf announcer. Why would I hire you? 这种被人当成“备胎”的感觉,换成你是HR,也会抓狂吧? Don’t come in without spending at least 20 minutes looking around the site. This goes for any publication you're interviewing at. A smart interviewer will ask you: "What are your impressions of the site?" 知己知彼,方能百战不殆。担心被HR问的张口结舌?那就赶紧了解你的未来雇主。 Don’t say you have no questions at the end of the interview. You have to at least ask ONE question, and it should be more creative than, "What's the culture like?" HR问你有什么问题的时候不要摆手说没有。该问就问,问出水平,至于“公司文化是怎样的”问题……还是忘了它吧。 Don’t ask if moving within the company is easy. That makes me think you're trying to get your foot in the door for another job, when what I care about is filling this position。 在问这个问题之前,先想想看自己能不能进入这家公司吧!否则,神马都是浮云……
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