加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息请帮我看看这个情况我可以拿stat holiday pay吗?
我六月底开始帮一个公司上班是上part time一个星期只上三天8/1的stat holidy发现没有给我1.5倍公司给我解释的理由我不太懂查了一下这一页http://www.labour.gov.bc.ca/esb/facshts/statutory_holidays.htmTo be eligible for statutory holiday pay an employee must:•Have been employed for 30 calendar days before the statutory holiday and, •Have worked or earned wages on 15 of the 30 days immediately before the statutory holiday. Employees who work under an averaging agreement or variance at any time in the 30 days before the holiday do not have to meet the 15-day requirement. 红字的部分不太理解是说什么知道的人能告诉我一下我8/1上班是应该有1.5倍吗?? 谢谢
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