加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Paypal骗局?
一个人在网上看到我的广告,要求购买产品。1. 只能使用Paypal付款2. 不是发货到本人,而是发货到西非Nigeria的朋友的儿子,3. 要求使用UPS或者Fedex发货这个是不是骗局?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: Paypal骗局?我个人觉得有点悬,因为Paypal是货到验收后款才入账,等那边收到货用各种借口说不对板时,你要退回来会觉得费用太高,只能任人宰割了。要三思。
回复: Paypal骗局?一个人在网上看到我的广告,要求购买产品。1. 只能使用Paypal付款2. 不是发货到本人,而是发货到西非Nigeria的朋友的儿子,3. 要求使用UPS或者Fedex发货这个是不是骗局?点击展开...Paypal是常用的一种付款方式,特别对于网上交易来说。这样情况有真实性的可能,但也有欺骗的可能。最好是让他通过Email(与Paypal的相同)说明发货的地点和内容,如果有纠纷,也可提出证据。免避大额交易或陌生人交易。
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790回复: Paypal骗局?因为Paypal的保护条款上似乎对收货人不是支付人的情况不予保护,是不是骗子利用这点呢?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: Paypal骗局?即使对方发电子邮件制定收货人,这个地址也不是他的paypal注册地址,会不会收款出现问题呢?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake即使对方发电子邮件制定收货人,这个地址也不是他的paypal注册地址,会不会收款出现问题呢?点击展开...因为一个Paypal帐户只能用一个Email地址,而在email里内容对购买力的货物名称\数量\重量\价格和收货人情况等作详细的说明,同一email地址,足以说明是同一个人的购物行为;而你又按他的要求用UPS或者Fedex发货,有发货商的证据,应该没问题.当然个人看法仅供参考.Question :What if a buyer does not receive an item I sent? How can I prove that I sent it?Answer : One way to show proof is to use a carrier with online tracking. For transactions involving merchandise worth up to the coverage amount (or the equivalent in the currency of the transaction) or more, keep an online receipt in the form of a signature from the recipient as proof of shipment. To view the specific terms and conditions, click Legal Agreements or User Agreement at the bottom of the page.如果再不确定,直接问下Paypal帮助中心就可了.或到Paypal 论坛去问下 Find help in the PayPal Community Help Forum.
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790回复: Paypal骗局?谢谢!看来这个还有点复杂。
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: Paypal骗局?quite complex:http://cellbiol.com/netwatch/nigeria/BBS/posts/4471.html
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: Paypal骗局?Hello am very happy that you reply back to my message please i wantyou to know this in your mind that am not a SCAM or FRAUD please whati need from you is that i want you to get me the last price that youare willing to sell your item to me am going to pay you the moneydirect your account once you are agree for me to do that so please iwant you to get me the shipment fees as well to my son that isSCHOOLING in West African so please hope that you can do that for meplease i beg you in the NAME of God help me find out the SHIPMENT FEESand get me your price that you are willing to sell the item,Am Waitingto hear from you fast about the item that i want to buy from youMay God Almighty Bless you and your FamilyHowever this is the shipping address below.Name.........................Olalekan JosephAddress....................... 25 Ago Tapa Str U.C.H Elizabeth RoadCity.............................IBADANState............................OyoCountry.......................NigeriaZip code......................23402Telephone Number.......+2348072955282let me know the total price including the Shipping Because i don’twant any delay for the shipment.I will be sending the Money throughBANK TO BANK TRANSFER .Kindly give me the details to make the transfer as soon as possible.Bank details needed below:Account Number :Account Holder's name :Bank Address :Swift Code :Total Amount:Bank NameItem Name:TOTAL COST + SHIPPING COST:If you still want to continue this transaction let me know?Regard.
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: Paypal骗局?Bank to Bank Tranfer 也可以骗吗?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: Paypal骗局?bank to bank,如果是欺假的,对方要通过法律程序才能取回钱;但愿paypal不同,它相当于中间担保人,如果一方提出纠纷,它直接从你的Paypal帐户或相链接的银行帐户里划取钱,一般Paypal通过45天的举证和审理,才结案,有点麻烦。俺曾经历过这一程序,对方虽然败了,但我对Paypal的处理十分不满,最终选择退出Paypal.
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790回复: Paypal骗局?世界上最出名的骗子国尼日利亚来的你也敢做。厉害。
回复: Paypal骗局?当然没有做,只是想知道什么地方是漏洞。
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistakebank to bank,如果是欺假的,对方要通过法律程序才能取回钱;但愿paypal不同,它相当于中间担保人,如果一方提出纠纷,它直接从你的Paypal帐户或相链接的银行帐户里划取钱,一般Paypal通过45天的举证和审理,才结案,有点麻烦。俺曾经历过这一程序,对方虽然败了,但我对Paypal的处理十分不满,最终选择退出Paypal.点击展开...但是这个Bank To Bank明显有问题,对方甚至都没有看我的标价。只是不知道骗子到底要怎么干。
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: Paypal骗局?骗子.要不然,你以羊引狼?!
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: Paypal骗局?对.没见过狼心,WA了.
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790回复: Paypal骗局?网上经营其中一个经验:凡是跟Nigeria有关,不论是他们给钱你还是你给钱他们,一律不要交易。请google "Nigeria PayPal“ "Nigeria PayPal scams" "Nigeria scams"
回复: Paypal骗局?看来还是小心点好
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