加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息如何用英语表达各种“香”


金秋十月,桂花飘香,国庆长假将是赏桂最佳时节,游客可以在公园享受天然的“香氛”。今天要跟大家分享一下香气的英语表达法。你会用“香”吗?   常用“香气”有哪些?   1. aroma: refers to a strong, pervasive, pleasant odour, such as that given off by burnt good pipe tobacco, coffee, or appetizing food。  指一种强烈的、弥漫的香味,如烟叶、咖啡或美味食品的香味。  The aroma of fresh coffee permeated the air。  新鲜咖啡的香味弥漫在空气中。   2. scent: refers to an odour, natural or artificial, delicate and often pleasant。  指天然或人造的淡淡幽香  There is a pleasing scent given off by a sachet hung in the room。  有一缕宜人的清香从悬挂在房间中的香袋散发出来。   3. perfume: refers to a sweet smell esp. from an essence of flowers。  指香味,尤指由花精中所散发的香味。  A faint perfume of jasmine came through the open window。  淡淡茉莉花香从敞开的窗口吹进来。   4. fragrance: refers to a sweet or pleasant smell, and stresses a delicate smell from plants。  指甜美的香味,特指植物的清新香味。  Do you remember the lingering fragrance of lilacs after a rain?  你可记得雨后丁香那缭绕的芳香?   5. bouquet:refers to a pleasingly sweet typical of a wine or liqueur。  指甜美的香味,特指各种酒散发出的清香。  This brandy has a fine bouquet。  这种白兰地酒芳香扑鼻。   6. olibanum: refers to an aromatic gum resin obtained from African and Asian trees of the genus Boswellia and used chiefly as incense and in perfumes  指的是从亚洲和非洲的树木里提炼出的芳香的树胶树脂,主要用来制作熏香和香水。  To improve the processing method for olibanum containing volatile oils and resins。  改进乳香等含挥发油树脂类中药的炮制方法。

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