加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息经验移民的问题,请教
Canadian Experience Class: Who can apply•a temporary foreign worker with at least two years of full-time (or equivalent) skilled work experience in Canada, or•a foreign graduate from a Canadian post-secondary institution with at least one year of full-time (or equivalent) skilled work experience in Canada? Requirements for graduates•a full-time Canadian post-secondary educational program of at least two years or•a one-year Master’s program (certificates and diplomas cannot be counted) and an additional year of education, obtained in Canada, before admission into the one-year program (for a total of two years).请各位帮忙看一下,我想读42week的Graduate Certificate是不是不满足条件?在学校多修些别的课凑满2年算不算呢?还是要必须修一个2年的专业?post-secondary是不是包括所有的Cetificate, graducate certificate??谢谢各位了!
回复: 经验移民的问题,请教Two years of study At least 16 monthsor four semesterswithin the 24 months before completing a full-time post-secondary program of study in Canada.是说一定要2年的Programm?如果 一年半的+修些别的课 可以吗?
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