加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息1st City of Surrey GIS Open Data Hackathon
1st City of Surrey GIS Open Data Hackathonhttp://www.surrey.ca/10036.aspxThe 1st City of Surrey GIS Open Data Hackathon is coming Nov. 20th!What is this event you ask, and why should I attend? Simple, it is about collaborating on concepts and creating innovative solutions. We encourage thought leaders, designers, programmers and anyone else that wants to help build web-based apps, mobile apps, and mashups using the City's freely available Open Data and published data sources.Get all the event details and sign up to let us know you're coming (space may be limited - we will provide coffee/lunch)Through this event we hope to:raise awareness about our open data initiative which provides free access to Surrey's GIS dataactively engage citizens and exchange ideasshare ideas and create tools to access our GIS data in a short period of timeYou don't have to be a programmer to participate!We have many map layers that can be incorporated into useful applications. For a complete list visit our Open Data and published data sources.One example might be an app that notifies citizens by email when a new development application is made in their neighbourhood.Visit OpenDataBC hackathon page for project ideasOther ideas from City of Edmonton and the City of OttawaWhen and Where?Sunday November 20th, 2011. 9am - 5pm @ Surrey's new City Centre Library, meeting room #418
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