加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Anyone knows IPSO??
8 Apr'10悉尼->14 May扣款->15 Jun RN->26 Jun初战雅思->1 Sept雅思复议成功->11 Sept Ielts L-8.5 R-7.5 W-6.5 S-7.5 ->21 Sept补料HK->27 Sept妥投HK->5 Oct RBVO->27 Oct收到FN信内28 Sept VO-MAC->5 Apr'11 IP四句话->9 Sept ME->14 Sept 体检->17 Oct登陆收据->27 Oct PL回复: Anyone knows IPSO??看起来像一个加拿大工作和移民服务机构。Integrated Pre-arrival Services Onlinehttp://www.ipsocanada.ca/As an internationally-trained individual intending to settle and work in Canada, IPSO offers you a range of pre-arrival online services and supports to help maximize your success and potential in Canada.
·生活百科 安装批准的问题
·生活百科 消费 /生产计