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戴望舒《雨巷》英译   《雨巷》是戴望舒的成名作,曾因此而赢得了“雨巷诗人”的雅号。这首诗写于1927年夏天。当时全国处于白色恐怖之汇总,戴望舒因曾参加进步活动而不得不避居于松江的友人家中,在孤寂中咀嚼着大革命失败后的幻灭与痛苦,心汇总充满了迷惘的情绪和朦胧的希望。《雨巷》一诗就是他的这种心情的表现,其中交织着失望和希望、幻灭和追求的双重情调。这种情怀在当时是有一定的普遍性的。   《雨巷》运用了象征性的抒情手法。诗中那狭窄阴沉的雨巷,在雨巷中徘徊的独行者,以及那个像丁香一样结着愁怨的姑娘,都是象征性的意象。这些意象又共同构成了一种象征性的意境,含蓄地暗示出作者即迷惘感伤又有期待的情怀,并给人一种朦胧而又幽深的美感。富于音乐性是《雨巷》的另一个突出的艺术特色。诗中运用了复沓、叠句、重唱等手法,造成了回环往复的旋律和宛转悦耳的乐感。因此叶圣陶先生称赞这首诗为中国新诗的音节开了一个“新纪元”。   诗人在《雨巷》中创造了一个丁香一样的结着愁怨的姑娘。这虽然是受古代诗词中一些作品的启发。用丁香结,即丁香的花蕾,来象征人们的愁心,是中国古代诗词中一个传统的表现方法。   撑着油纸伞,独自  彷徨在悠长、悠长  又寂寥的雨巷,  我希望逢着  一个丁香一样地  结着愁怨的姑娘。  她是有  丁香一样的颜色,  丁香一样的芬芳,  丁香一样的忧愁,  在雨中哀怨,  哀怨又彷徨;  她彷徨在这寂寥的雨巷,  撑着油纸伞  像我一样,  像我一样地  默默行着  冷漠,凄清,又惆怅。  她默默地走近,  走近,又投出  叹息一般的眼光  她飘过  像梦一般地,  像梦一般地凄婉迷茫。  像梦中飘过  一枝丁香地,  我身旁飘过这个女郎;  她默默地远了,远了,  到了颓圮的篱墙,  走尽这雨巷。  在雨的哀曲里,  消了她的颜色,  散了她的芬芳,  消散了,甚至她的  叹息般的眼光  丁香般的惆怅。  撑着油纸伞,独自  彷徨在悠长、悠长  又寂寥的雨巷,  我希望飘过  一个丁香一样地  结着愁怨的姑娘。

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 戴望舒《雨巷》唯美英译版A Lane in the Rain  Dai Wangshu  Alone holding an oil-paper umbrella,  I wander along a long  Solitary lane in the rain,  Hoping to encounter   A girl like a bouquet of lilacs  Gnawed by anxiety and resentment.  A girl  The colour of lilacs,  The fragrance of lilacs,  With the worries of lilacs,  Feeling melancholy in the rain,  Plaintive and hesitating.   She wanders along the solitary lane in the rain,  Holding an oil-paper umbrella  Just as I do,  Just like me,  Walking slowly in silence,  Aloof, sad and melancholy.   Silently she comes closer,  Closer, giving me  A glance like a sigh;  Then she floats past  Like a dream,  Dreary and blank like a dream.   Like a lilac  Floating past in a dream,  the girl floats past me;  Silently she goes further and further,  To the crumbling wall,  Out of the lane in the rain.   In the mournful melody of the rain,  Her colour has faded,  Her fragrance has disappeared,  Vanished into the void;  Even her glance like a sigh,  Melancholy like lilacs.   Alone holding an oil-paper umbrella,  I wander along a long  Solitary lane in the rain,  Hoping to pass  A girl like a bouquet of lilacs  Gnawed by anxiety and resentment.   The Alley in the Rain   Holding an umbrella, I'm alone  Wandering about the long, long,  Lonely alley in the rain,  Hoping to encounter  A girl who bears her melancholy  Like a lilac flower.   She has  The color of a lilac,  The fragrance of a lilac,  And the melancholy of a lilac.  She looks sorrowful in the rain,  Sorrowful and depressed.   She paces the lonely alley,  Holding an umbrella,  Like me,  Just like me  Walking quietly and slowly  In coldness, solitude and melancholy.   Quietly she comes close,  Close to me and casts  A glance, like a sigh.  She drifts away  Like a dream  So dreary and deep.   Like a lilac flower drifting by  In a dream,  The girl passes by me;  Quietly she is walking away and away,  To a broken hedge,  To the end of the alley in the rain.   In the plaintive tune of the rain  Her color fades,  Her fragrance disappears,  So do her sighing glance  And lilac-like melancholy.   Holding an umbrella, I'm alone  Wandering about the long, long,  Lonely alley in the rain,  Hoping to see passing by  A girl who bears her melancholy  Like a lilac flower.  (唐正秋 译)   Rainy Alley  Dai Wangshu  Holding a light umbrella  I walk back and forth alone  In a silent, rainy alley,  A long, an endlessly long alley,  Hoping to meet  A girl as sweet, as blue  As the lilac bud that knits her brows.   As graceful as lilac,  As fragrant as lilac,  As sad as lilac:  Back and forth she walks,  Worried in the rain,  Sad in the rain.   Holding a light umbrella  Back and forth she walks, and walks,  In this silent, rainy alley,  As I pace and plod,  Silent, alone,  Wearing my solitude, my sadness and pain.   Quietly she walks close by me,  Then closer, then closer,  Casting a glance  As if of a sign,  She floats on by me  Plaintive as a dream,  A hazy dream,  A sad dream.   As if what flies by me  Is a branch of lilac in a dream,  The girl flits by me  In silence, in a distance  More distant, more distant,  Floats to a ruined wattled wall  At the end of this rainy alley.   And her roselike color fades,  Her sweet, sweet fragrance fades,  To the sad tune of the rain.  Her glance disappears, her sign disappears,  Her lilac-like sadness.   Holding a light umbrella  I walk back and forth alone  In a silent, rainy alley,  A long, an endlessly long alley,  Hoping to meet  A girl as sweet, as blue  As the lilac bud that knits her brows.  (丁祖馨 译)

寒月悲笳,万里西风瀚海沙;碧血丹心,关河渺茫梦征尘。回复: 戴望舒《雨巷》唯美英译版不错,很有感觉,还是第一首英译比较有味道......

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