加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息各种发型的英语说法
crew cut 平头 eg: My hair's gotten a little too long. I want a crew cut. 我的头发长得太长了。我想剪个小平头。 baldheaded 光头 光头 Lanchon was in his fifties, an ugly baldheaded man with small stumpy legs and a greedy, twitching mouth. 拉肖五十多岁,长得丑,秃头,缺腿,嘴巴贪婪的歪扭着。 centre parting 中分 eg: He used to have a side parting , but now he wants a centre parting. 以前他的头发是边分的,而现在他想要中分。 pony-tail 马尾辫马尾辫 eg: Her beautiful, black long hair was tied with a purple ribbon in long pony-tail on left side of her luscious face. 她美丽的黑长发用紫色的丝带扎成马尾式,披在她那娇艳脸蛋的左边。 pageboy 童花头(向下卷的齐肩女孩子发型) eg: The pageboy hairstyle was developed and popularized in the 1950s. 童花头的发型在20世纪50年代出现并风靡一时。 knot 发髻发髻 eg: She twisted her hair into a tight knot. 她把头发紧紧地挽了个发髻。
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