加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息竞选季学新词:均一所得税


竞选季开始,到处能听到候选人和议员们讨论均一所得税(flat tax),那么什么是均一所得税呢?均一所得税: 一种简单的所得税,即对各种水入水平都实行一种固定的税率。提示:参考文本为网友义务听写,如有错误或更好版本,欢迎指正,谢谢!The campaign season heating up. We're hearing some candidates and lawmakers talked about something called a flat tax. What is a flat tax?Well, the US currently has something called a progressive income tax system, means the more money you make, the higher the government income tax rate is. This is what those rates look like for a single person living on his or her own. The national average wage is around 41,000 dollars a year. So you can see from this chart that this person's federal income tax at that wage will be around 25%.A flag tax would make just one income tax rate that every pays, no matter how much or how little they earn. So one of pros here, it's simpler.Would make tax a lot easier to figure out. Also the proposals we've heard about are lower than 25% that average wage bracket. So many Americans would pay less in government income taxes. Business would pay lower taxes too. So people are getting bigger paychecks and spending more money, and business are making more money and hiring more workers. In theory, the economy would grow.The cons of a flat tax, it's risky. With Americans paying less income taxes, government would take in less money at first, so that could increase government debt. It also be challenging for Congress to decide what the flat tax rate would be, 9%, 15%, 20%. Big debate there, and because lawmakers don't want taxes to go up on Americans with lower incomes, there'd also be a debate on who gets tax breaks to help them out.

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