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回复: 加拿大的政府工作机会 job postingsCity of Kamloops GIS Technician : http://www.kamloops.ca/hr/external/11-GIS.pdfCompetition No. 02-15/11 Competition Closing Date: November 18, 2011*

回复: 加拿大的政府工作机会 job postings多谢楼主!

回复: 加拿大的政府工作机会 job postingsBC 省政府 STO27 - Program Manager Flood Protection CLK09R - Administrative Assistant ISL30R - Senior Technical Architect FO24 - Senior Auditor STRATLEAD - Inspector Independent Schools STRATLEAD - Inspector Independent Schools BUSLEAD - International Business Development Manager STO21 - GIS Analyst ISL27R - Senior Software Developer ISL13R - Financial Systems Client Support Analyst ISL18R - Web Services Analyst APPLLEAD - Program Manager Nursing PHARM04 - Pharmacist, Drug Intelligence MACOP 11 - Gene Archive Technician ADMNO 24R - Intermediate Business Analyst ADMNO 18R- Business Analyst ADMNO 14R - Corporate Records Officer BUSLEAD - Assistant Director Communications CNSVO 24 - Intelligence Analyst BUSLEAD - Financial Audit Director FO18 - Revenue Coordinator ISL24R - Spatial Infrastructure Analyst BUSLEAD - Project Assessment Manager CORSV 16R - Correctional Services R16 CLK14R - Collection Analyst​FROM: Canada Provincial Government Jobs

回复: 加拿大的政府工作机会 job postings[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Bank of Canada[/FONT]EXECUTIVEASSISTANT - FINANCIAL STABILITY BOARD (ELS-005-11 RLH)Ottawa, ON, CANADA;ENTERPRISEARCHITECT (ITS-049-11 AJ) Ottawa, ON, CANADA;WEBDEVELOPER (ITS-050-11 AJ) Ottawa, ON, CANADA; MANAGER,FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS TEAM (DSO-009-11 EM) Ottawa, ON, CANADA;PROCESSMANAGER IT INCIDENT AND PROBLEM MANAGEMENT (ITS-052-11 AJ) Ottawa, ON,CANADA;RECRUITMENTMANAGER (CS-021-11 RLH)Ottawa, ON, CANADA;PROJECTMANAGER (ITS-054-11 AJ)Ottawa, ON, CANADA;COMMUNICATIONSCONSULTANT (COM-009-11 RLH)Ottawa, ON, CANADA;[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Bank of Canada[/FONT] - Ottawa, Ontario; Canada's central bank; current job opportunities.from Federal Crown Corporations ​

回复: 加拿大的政府工作机会 job postingsCity of KamloopsUnionized Position(s)Programmer Analyst IICompetition No. 02-12/11Competition Closing Date: September 29, 2011**and will continue until the position is filledGIS TechnicianCompetition No. 02-15/11Competition Closing Date: November 18, 2011**and will continue until the position is filledMaintenance Management Application SpecialistCompetition No. 02-16/11Competition Closing Date: November 24, 2011**and will continue until the position is filledCross Connection CoordinatorCompetition No. 03-39/11Competition Closing Date: July 28, 2011**and will continue until the position is filledInstrumentation MechanicCompetition No. 03-48/11Competition Closing Date: October 13, 2011**and will continue until the position is filledManagement Position(s)Municipal Support Services Supervisor - RCMPCompetition No. 01-39/11Competition Closing Date: December 2, 2011**and will continue until the position is filledAssistant Chief - CommunicationsCompetition No. 01-40/11Competition Closing Date: December 2, 2011**and will continue until the postition is filledInformation Technology ManagerCompetition No. 02-14/11Competition Closing Date: December 2, 2011**and will continue until the position is filledUtility Services Supervisor - Pumping FacilitiesCompetition No. 03-44/11Competition Closing Date: August 25, 2011**and will continue until the position is filled more gov jobs in bc:BC Municipal GovernmentBC Crown CorporationsProvincial Governmentmore jobs in bc: http://job-link.ca/bc.html

回复: 加拿大的政府工作机会 job postings萨斯喀其温省的国营企业 (crown corporation) 工作, 也算政府工作吧。SaskPower, Regina, Saskatchewan:GIS Analysthttp://www.gisjob.ca/jobs/Saskatchewan/NewsAd-GIS-Analyst-November-2011-final.pdf更多gis工作:http://www.gisjob.ca/http://www.gisjob.ca/saskatchewan_Regina.html

回复: 加拿大的政府工作机会 job postingsGEOMATICS PLAN TECHNICIAN : http://www.gojobs.gov.on.ca/Preview.aspx?JobID=40572Thunder Bay12/21/2011Ministry of Transportation$1039.73 - $1211.72 per week[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]GIS Jobs and Employers in Thunder Bay, Ontario: [/FONT]Thunder Bay http://gisjob.ca/ontario_ThunderBay.html

回复: 加拿大的政府工作机会 job postingsProvincial Land GIS Analyst , Edmonton, https://jobs.alberta.ca/jobs-dynamic.html

回复: 加拿大的政府工作机会 job postings支持。很不错。大家相互支持

Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.支持。很不错。大家相互支持点击展开...good idea.

回复: 加拿大的政府工作机会 job postings再次感谢楼主,我马上也要入读GIS专业了

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