加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息MBA申请OSAP?


我已经拿到Schulich MBA的offer,想申请OSAP。无房无车无工作,老公和孩子在国内,想请问该准备些什么资料,有哪些注意事项?多谢了

回复: MBA申请OSAP?直接去osap网站自己找

2011年3月30日毕业了!2011年4月6日登陆多伦多,想说爱你不容易。2011年9月-2013年4月college毕业。2014年3月31日,我爱我们在多伦多的家。回复: MBA申请OSAP?如果已经登陆,如楼上所说,直接去osap网站申请。注意先试算一下预计额度。

回复: MBA申请OSAP?谢谢楼上。

回复: MBA申请OSAP?谢谢楼上。点击展开... 也想考MBA,但是学费太高,不知道楼主OSAP贷到多少?或者是否有通过其他方式贷款,多谢!

回复: MBA申请OSAP?OSAP不能涵盖所有学费。

回复: MBA申请OSAP?我已经拿到Schulich MBA的offer,想申请OSAP。无房无车无工作,老公和孩子在国内,想请问该准备些什么资料,有哪些注意事项?多谢了点击展开...半年前的帖子被翻出了

回复: MBA申请OSAP?半年前的帖子被翻出了点击展开... Schulich出来,在Toronto找工作不愁了把

回复: MBA申请OSAP?Schulich出来,在Toronto找工作不愁了把点击展开...读书101: 1) 加拿大是一个大部分职业需要执照的社会。2) 你需要看你的MBA学位证书...它为您提供了什么执照?3) 不要迷信MBA。

回复: MBA申请OSAP?读书101: 1) 加拿大是一个大部分职业需要执照的社会。2) 你需要看你的MBA学位证书...它为您提供了什么执照?3) 不要迷信MBA。点击展开... 现在很多的MBA 项目提供与CGA,CMA的 combine项目,只要你在MBA里按规定多学点会计课程,是可以转成CGA或是CMA的,到时候你只要再考最后几门就可以通过考试了......对于我会计,审计背景的,我就打算这样做. CFA到时可以自己考.... 其实想想,MBA还是有用的,不然CGA一共19门课,自己考很难,时间太长了...

回复: MBA申请OSAP?现在很多的MBA 项目提供与CGA,CMA的 combine项目,只要你在MBA里按规定多学点会计课程,是可以转成CGA或是CMA的,到时候你只要再考最后几门就可以通过考试了......对于我会计,审计背景的,我就打算这样做. CFA到时可以自己考.... 其实想想,MBA还是有用的,不然CGA一共19门课,自己考很难,时间太长了...点击展开... 如果MBA没有提供这种专业团体认可的课,它的价值就是。。。 然而,从会计师的角度看...如果一个大学课程和MBA提供相同数量的专业考试豁免,为什么要付更多的钱去读MBA?

回复: MBA申请OSAP?如果MBA没有提供这种专业团体认可的课,它的价值就是。。。点击展开... I guess the value would be to seek higher knowledge, to improve yourself as a humanbeing, and to experience the journey of this learning process because knowledge is power! When you know better, you do better! PS.加国的会计研究生是很难申请的,项目也不多.再说了,MBA的就业面还是很广的啊,不光是会计,还有金融,咨询,分析师啥的......Also if you look longterm, it's an investment in yourself. If I ever have to make a bet in my life, I wanna bet on myself, not other things or other people.

回复: MBA申请OSAP?I guess the value would be to seek higher knowledge, to improve yourself as a humanbeing, and to experience the journey of this learning process because knowledge is power! When you know better, you do better! PS.加国的会计研究生是很难申请的,项目也不多.再说了,MBA的就业面还是很广的啊,不光是会计,还有金融,咨询,分析师啥的......Also if you look longterm, it's an investment in yourself. If I ever have to make a bet in my life, I wanna bet on myself, not other things or other people.点击展开...If the motive is to seek knowledge, a BA program in philosophy serves the purpose much better than an MBA does. Philosophy is the foundation of all human knowledge.You are right only in the sense that MBA covers a collection of disciplines on an introductory level but it never covers in-depth knowledge in any discipline. In essence,1) Accounting - perhaps some MBA program can lead to some exemptions to CGA program, how about CA? Does MBA cover how to play around with tax treatment?2) Finance - does MBA cover in-depth fixed income securities or teach sufficient PDE and statistical knowledge to challenge validity of underlying statistical distribution assumption of BSM model?3) Law - can MBA graduate express an opinion in the choice of law when a company, which corporate HQ is incorporated in Quebec, in Ontario produces a product that causes harm to a customer in British Columbia?After answering these questions, the value of paying a fortune to undertake an MBA program is apparent.

回复: MBA申请OSAP?If the motive is to seek knowledge, a BA program in philosophy serves the purpose much better than an MBA does. Philosophy is the foundation of all human knowledge. You are right only in the sense that MBA covers a collection of disciplines on an introductory level but it never covers in-depth knowledge in any discipline. In essence, 1) Accounting - perhaps some MBA program can lead to some exemptions to CGA program, how about CA? Does MBA cover how to play around with tax treatment? 2) Finance - does MBA cover in-depth fixed income securities or teach sufficient PDE and statistical knowledge to challenge validity of underlying statistical distribution assumption of BSM model? 3) Law - can MBA graduate express an opinion in the choice of law when a company, which corporate HQ is incorporated in Quebec, in Ontario produces a product that causes harm to a customer in British Columbia? After answering these questions, the value of paying a fortune to undertake an MBA program is apparent.点击展开... I agree that MBA only covers an introductory level of courses. But there are specialization you can go into based on your personal interests. An MBA is not designed to train a student to become an expert in a certain discipline, but rather to provide the students with the skills to tackle business challenges. Based on my experience, I think very few people really dig deep into the domains you mentioned. Also,I think we all of us who've had an education know that school doesn't really teach you everything. School teaches you how to learn. You learn so much more when you get out of school in the real world.

回复: MBA申请OSAP?各抒己见很好,MBA和其他专业一样有优势有弊端,但不是某一个优势或者某一个弊端就足够给其定性的。没一个专业有其特点,也有其有优势的就业方向,而且和地域对于各专业的需求也有关,北美对于MBA的认可应该高于国内,sob1976的想法更接近国内多数人对MBA的看法。不知道szbjsh和sob1976两位是否都已经MBA在读或者即将在读?

回复: MBA申请OSAP?各抒己见很好,MBA和其他专业一样有优势有弊端,但不是某一个优势或者某一个弊端就足够给其定性的。没一个专业有其特点,也有其有优势的就业方向,而且和地域对于各专业的需求也有关,北美对于MBA的认可应该高于国内,sob1976的想法更接近国内多数人对MBA的看法。 不知道szbjsh和sob1976两位是否都已经MBA在读或者即将在读?点击展开...我是还在国内,是想过去读的.Schulich出来在多轮多怎么样? 我觉得他的学费比Rotman,Ivey便宜些......

回复: MBA申请OSAP?我是还在国内,是想过去读的.Schulich出来在多轮多怎么样? 我觉得他的学费比Rotman,Ivey便宜些......点击展开...难以一概而论,这三个基本上是加拿大能拿得出手的三个了。不过不要太相信加拿大的教育有多好。Schulich在多伦多还算有名气,其他两个也都一样。

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